Nearly outdated stuff that could be useful. (Potential improvements)

I think the outlaws need to be upgraded in a feasible cost / benefit relationship.

I thought that they could be more devile and faster to hire, but with a limit of creation and that they do not cost population. They could be like natives, but they cost coins.

The limit of creation and its power could extend as one gets older. They could have a creation limit of 15-20, starting at age 2 with a limit of 5-10.

I think that this way they would be relevant throughout the game.


Me parece una buena idea, esto extendería la población militar utilizable. Lo único negativo que veo es que el juego podría ralentizarse por la cantidad de unidades creada al mismo tiempo. Las ventajas son clara es perfecto para un rush de mercenarios pero limitado por población y oro.

Excelente idea OperaticShip743 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

PD: Esto también evitaría el abuso de unidades mercenaria OP.

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Mmmm idk man, I really like my outlaw only strategies, it adds flavor and variety to the game, and this would completely make those non viable. Besides some cards would stop being useful with such a change as well.

I think that if they do not occupy population, they would in fact be more useful in the long term.

The idea is that somehow they also participate in the end of the game.

The thing is that treaty players are not gonna like that either because no pop army are very important there.

They should just have difference balance for each mode, the last outlaw patch was perfect for supremacy, team and FFA but just because it affected treaty they rolled it back and that doesn’t feel right

I would see it this way:

The population of the outlaws is independent of the population of their civilization and will be determined by the bar.

However this is only a suggestion. Reducing its population even more would be fine. They could be weaker and cheaper if necessary, but could improve as you age.

Another improvement that universities could contribute:

Forestry: Allows you to plant a timber crop (Similar to Indian mangoes, but 10,000 of wood).

“The forestry profession was born and developed in Europe during the first part of the 19th century. It owed its genesis to a widespread realization that short-sighted harvesting practices had deforested major parts of the continent and created a string of environmental issues. This realization, combined with an acute awareness of Europe’s relatively small land base, fostered strong public and political support for forestry principles, which were embraced in an effort to rectify the situation. In this context, forestry ranked alongside other professions — such as medicine and dentistry — in terms of social stature.”

Industrial architecture: Buildings with more resistance points and are built faster, cost less wood, but much more gold.

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Europeans dont need any source of wood, 2 factories are enough. They dont need any economic boost (maybe Spain lategame but not really), natives do


This is off topic now because it is already investigating the possibilities that a university would offer.

This is assuming that if Europeans improve, so do other civilizations.

Next I will propose some improvements for naval cards that I consider not very biable in practice.

Captura de pantalla (436)
Admiralty: Currently reduces ship upgrades by 60%. Before DE the limit of ships increased. I think it would be better to reduce the price of the boats by 10-15% and their construction time. Shipments from the metropolis arrive faster. (Move to age 3, since at age 2 there are too many important cards)

Captura de pantalla (434)
Advanced dock: In addition to its current benefits, it gives you a dock cart and the docks are 15-20% more resistant.

In addition, the fishing boats can be recycled when they are slowly garrisoned on the dock. (useful for when fishing runs out)

Captura de pantalla (326)

This card could also move to age 1 or age 3. Like many cards that improve the gathering of mills and plantations it could move to age 3. There is a lot of stress on card slots in the age of trade.

… So I think it’s time to improve healers of all kinds.

Surgeons could be created in churches from age 4 without the need for letters.

Priests and imam can also heal, they can have a creation limit of 5 and not 30 (as it is currently). But they will stop occupying the population and will make the churches / mosques generate more experience.

Native healers are very expensive, reduce their cost and award a free healer when building a trading post in a native village. (If they are available, of course).


Since some ‘Imams’ were also military and politicians leaders (at least one according to the lore of the game), they could have a different function than the proposal I have made about priests in general:

Imam: Generates much less experience than priests, but increases infantry creation speed by 1.5% and cavalry by 0.5% when garrisoned in the mosque. (They would not occupy population)

With a limit of 5 possible, then we would have a + 7.5% infantry creation speed, and a + 2.5% cavalry creation speed.

This would solve the problem in the treaty and / or late game. Although I do not see problems if it is used in supremacy because it would be 750 gold in total.

It could also work like this:

The ‘Pallasian intrigue’ card delivers a new exclusive upgrade called ‘Imamate’ for magnets that would grant what I just mentioned above and available in the industrial age. In addition, each imam would accelerate the delivery of troops from the metropolis by 1%.

Without this enhancement the imams will function the same as their European counterparts.

Another possible way to implement them would be:

When they are garrisoned in the mosque they generate experience, and when they are garrisoned in the capitol they increase the rate of training of troops, and accelerate the delivery of military shipments.


Random mercenaries are still not very useful, and now that there are a lot of mercenary types sometimes you get several mercenaries of the same role, or most of them in age 4. Because of this building saloon/monastery is still more of a gamble and very situational.
I think a better mechanics for the current state (with many mercenary types and overlapping roles) would be first draw maybe 3 or 4 random “mercenary regiments” of three with their own distinct unit combinations (same for every player), like the “hire mercenary army” cards. Let the player choose one of them and get access to the 3 mercenaries, similar to consulate or native embassy of US/Mexico. Switching can either be not allowed once set, or require some cost like changing consulate allies.

For example (just like the mercenary cards):
Highland: Highlander, Swiss Pikeman, Harquebusier
German: Landsknecht, Jaeger, Black Rider
Mediterranean: Barbary Corsair, Stradiot, Mameluke
Italian: Elmeti, Lil’s Bombard, (another new unit, maybe Genoese Crossbowman?)
North African: Barbary Corsair, Dahomey Amazon, Zenata Rider
Egyptian: Askeri, Mameluke, Gatling Camel
Indian: Arsonist, Jat Lancer, (another new unit, maybe a skirmisher?) ← I actually think Gurkha should be a mercenary
Japanese: Ninja, Ronin, Yojimbo
Chinese: Iron Trooper, Manchu, (maybe another melee cavalry?)
French: Fusilier, Zouave, Napoleonic Gun
There can be overlaps, and the regiments do not need to necessarily follow the geographical groupings.


Does anyone use the small lakes for fishing? There should be a way to fish without building a dock, like villagers fishing from the shore.

Does someone take the treasures that contain cattle being a civilization that must wait for the cattle to get fat? I am sure that it will never be a priority for civilizations that do not have use of cattle in the short term.


Buena idea. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Me encantaría que los aldeanos puedan pescar igual que en el AOE 2

PD: Otra opción es que puedan crear botes de pesca (obviamente mas lento que un muelle)

El ganado de los tesoros debería engordar mas rápido o venir medio engordado.


But then after the furtrade is over you will have a massive gold issue because the gold gather rate is awful in late game for them.

Improvements of some cards related to natives:

Native Lore: On top of the current buffs, adds a passive experience income of X.XX/s for the rest of the game.

Native Treaties: In addition to its current benefits, it gives you a cart that can build a native embassy. Embassies give more experience when building them.
Note: In case you haven’t already allied with a tribe before this card arrives, it will give you the corresponding warriors once you build the trading post the first time you actually build the trading post.

Blood Brothers: In addition to the current benefits, the natives from the metropolis arrive faster and are also able to enable some of their improvements in your native embassy.
Note: In this case we will have to enable native cards as a shipment from the metropolis to civilizations that do not yet have them. We could also enable this card for civilizations that do not have it.

I think all this would help encourage the use of natives by other civilizations that do not specialize in using them.


This is great! I would of course extent these benefits to their Asian equivalent cards


Improvements of some cards related to natives (Asians):

Native Learning: On top of the current buffs, adds a passive experience income of X.XX/s for the rest of the game.

Native Alliance: In addition to its current benefits, it gives you a cart that can build a native embassy. Embassies give more experience when building them.

Native Crafts: In addition to the current buffs, add an export X.XX trickle for each native village you control.


Very creative and appropriate for the game! Most of these cards are currently mostly useless, these ideas would fix them


La carta de artillería avanzada: Nunca la veo, siento que en lugar de pasar los morteros y artillería a caballo a 3 edad, podrían permitir a los morteros usar proyectiles de cal viva o munición incendiaria que haga daño por segundo.

lealtad mercenaria: Mmm en lugar de hacer baratos los envíos de mercenarios, podrían hacer un 10 a 15% mas baratos los mercenarios de las tabernas.

Patrulla de demolición: Además de entregarte las 4 cargas explosivas de nitroglicerina, podrían habilitarlas en la fundición de artillería pero en una cantidad limitada de 6 a 8 unidades.

Equipo puertos de lana: además de las ventajas otorgadas permite el entrenamiento de ovejas laneras que producen oro en lugar de comida, con un limite máximo de 8.

Grandes Fortificaciones: Podrían en lugar de mejorar gratis los destacamentos y fuertes, hacer que estos cambien su daño a distancia por daño de asedio.

rebelión de los bóxer: Además de lo que hace podría habilitar la construcción de estas unidades en los centros urbanos.

equipo inquisición: Además de la mejora ya dada, permite a los monjes tener un daño cargado de condenación que puede aturdir a una unidad (habría que anivelar esto)

Equipo de combate del explorador: además de mejorar ese porcentaje de daño y hp podría darles a los exploradores europeos 1 o 2 mas de rango, al jefe haude le da lo mismo que un explorador europeo (sigo pensando como se podria implementar)

tácticas de tercio: en lugar de cambiar piqueros a rodeleros, les otorga a los piqueros un ataque cargado de arcabuz y hace que los rodeleros ganen un ligero bonus contra infantería pesada (x1,8) y una pequeña área de ataque de 0,50.

Galeones españoles: Además de mejorarle el daño a los galeones, les permite tener una armadura anti asedio (de un 30%).

flota del tesoro español: Los galeones españoles valen un 8% mas de oro y madera pero son capaces de producir oro (1.80 de oro por segundo cada galeón)

Maestros cirujanos: en lugar de habilitar los cirujanos en los monasterios los habilita en los hospitales de campaña, además esta carta envía una carreta de hospital de campaña, los cirujanos podrán guarecerse dentro de los hospitales, y generar un aura de curación mas amplia y efectiva, los hospitales solo podrán guarecer 5 unidades.

tirailleurs: Además de ese efecto mejora el daño de los guerrilleros contra la caballería ligera (x0,50) y la infantería ligera se entrena ligeramente mas rápido 15%

métodos tradicionales: en lugar de abaratarlas que las hagan gratis

niños héroes: podrían ser 2 milicianos que no pierdan sus puntos de resistencia y que su daño y hp se vean mejorados un 20% (los milicianos)

Enviado Holandés (la unidad): que pueda ser capaz de guarecerse en los puestos comerciales y disparar desde allí y que mientras esta guarecido ahí que produzca experiencia, mientras mas enviados allá dentro del puesto comercial mas experiencia dará (son apenas 5 así que no es tanto)