Refining the idea of Beastyqt and in a way that it doesn’t alter the Mongols play style and in a way that it doesn’t weaken the tower which is a defensive resource
The ram will be played the way the Abbasid civilization does, but except for the Abbasid civilization, the battering ram will be available in the Feudal age. The ram will initially have less health and the siege engineering tech will return the ram’s health to 420 hp (so Abbasid will also have siege engineering)
What they need to do to Rams is very simple.
Look back into AoE2 and take some inspiration.
Rams should be available for everyone from feudal age.
Rams needs veterancy upgrades from siege workshop. This allows us to make “weak” rams in Feudal. and be able to upgrade Rams to make them more relevant in later ages. Such as Anti-siege resistance, bigger HP pool etc. They had this in AoE2. You see below as example:
Basic Ram
Hardened Ram (Capped Ram)
Veteran Ram (Armored Ram)
Second to this, Rams needs to be Garrisoned to be effective.
While they work without garrison, their attack speed should be dramatically reduced. (say -50%)
Filling the ram up halfway with 8 Units, gives it the current attack speed it has now.
Filling the ram up Fully, with 16 units, gives it 50% more attack speed.
Same thing applies for movement speed.
This way you wont have the “Longbow” problem issue, where you have bunch of archers from afar covering it. As they need to be literally ontop of the ram in order to for the opponent to use the ram aggressively. Or else its damage is severely reduced and slowed down.
This again forces the archers instead of staying out of range from defenses, into the middle of defenses.
I think buildings need to be changed.
As some of you know, AOE2 has buildings where it acts like walls. It helps to deal with further tower rushes and block enemy units constantly raiding. In AOE4 buildings always have roads around them and leave gaps. And that makes it hard to plan a good defensive play from the start of the game.
What Beastqt said will do is Feudal Ram Rush. In AOE2DE with Cumans, it was a crazy unstoppable meta when it was introduced. Everyone picked Cuman and simply rushed with lots of rams and resulting in having an 80+% winrate.
What AOE4 needs is realistic projectiles that actually miss and that will make a whole lotta difference. Without it, pepeggas will always complain and the game will feel childish.
Have you thought about taken a statistics analysis class, or maybe watch some tutorials on YouTube?
Surveys where all results were chosen almost equally are inconclusive. They offer no valuable information other than the group which was surveyed as no leading opinion on the topic.
Of 74 votes, only 25 like the tower rush either because they are a Mongolian main, or they are “pro”. The 25 who don’t want the tower rush have their own ideas that directly weaken the tower.
No need for these convoluted solutions to towers. Just look at aoe2 as an example. Make villagers do lots of extra damage to defenses and make buildings not refund everything when canceled. That would probably solve it, if not then look at other tower nerfs like giving them minimum range.
Well, if Abaasid costs half the food, I wouldn’t mind sacrificing villagers to take them to the attack, taking advantage of their “bonus” against buildings.