ROMAE AD BELLUM - (RAW:E) Rome at War Expansion Concept

Hmm, in Britain, ‘fort’ is the standard term in this context, both for forts built by the Romans and by the native Britons (the latter are usually ‘hillforts’). It feels very unnatural to me to call them anything else in English.


Yes, I understand… it just sounds weird to me the same…

Wanted to share that the team continues to work on the remaining civs for the Mod. The Civ TechTrees and overall designs are ready. We are just waiting on Unique Unit Graphics to release. Below is the tentative release order:


The team is also exploring exciting new Naval Gameplay Mechanics and is looking to add new ship classes and designs to complement this.

The Fort concepts above are part of a planned effort to develope unique graphics for all 22 Civs in the Mod. Similar to MS official DLC’s, we believe this will add variety and depth to the unique civs beyond the Regional Architecture sets they share today.

Finally, once all the civs are released, we plan to revisit non unique units. We hope to reskin spearman, militia, and scout lines so they match the period and regional cultures. A Persian Spearman should look different than a Gothic or Briton Spearman or even a Greco Roman one.

To stay up to date with developement, get technical help, share feeback suggestions, please join our discord. Thanks!


I like it… greater visual variety, is out there…great job…I would put the trebuchet and rename it “palintonon” (although they are not exactly the same unit, but if they would fulfill the same function) and that the relics boost the units and the economy…

Which civs replace those above?.. Judeans (Saracens?) Cretans (Sicilians?) Nubians (Ethiopians? - although these are further south), Thracians (Bulgarians?) and Dacians (Magyars?)

Judeans: Saracens
Cretans: Vietnamese
Nubians: Mayans
Thracians: Malians
Dacians: Ethiopians

Weird, I would have replaced them with their predecessor states and territorial issues…the Mayans could stay total are originally from late antiquity…and the Ethiopians gave room to put the Aksumites…

No, that’s not the logic. It’s based on architecture sets and playstyle, because that’s a lot easier.

Ah ok ok…i understand then…

If forts are suppose to be castles in your mod, I would say that name “citadel” is much better.

Its not a better name its a similar name.

Forts is most accurate considering what they do. Castles ingame are realistically a keep basically, ours are meant to be forts. That’s what they are after all.

I based the first Fort design graphic off the Roman Castrum:

Castra - Wikipedia and decided against naming it Castrum because other non Latin civs would have an equivalent. Fort translated best IMO for English and that’s why it was chosen. Fortress and Marching Camp all seemed wrong based on what the building does in game.

I love that Roman Republic and Empire train Praetorian variants from it and that fits very nicely for them based on the the Castra Praetoria, a historical building complex in Ancient Rome.

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Why? As someone who grew up near a Roman fort/castrum, and now lives even nearer to (the site of) an Iron Age hill fort, the idea that ‘fort’ is the wrong word here is really weird to me. On the other hand, I’m aware that I speak British English and other variants of English might be different - or might at least commonly use ‘fort’ to mean something from a much later time period.


Naval Updates coming to Romae ad Bellum…


Work in progress of the Cothon…

These are just a few snapshots of the various iterations…we are not done yet. Team is hard at work on the next update. Really impressed by the talent, hard work, and creativity of the team.


For clarification, the different model evolutions you see here have been created by different people. I made the grey one, but then gave up, and Abejin started making a Cothon model, which is the third image. The final image is when Sapsan got given the job, and started again.


Updated Version:
Amazing job by the team getting this building to its current state.

Wait till you see what it does…


just some idea / suggestion

1.adding new infantry line at Barracks

  • “Brute” Line
    model : big unit, whether towering other unit or simply bulkier
    weapons : axe, hammer-axe, blunt weapons, khopesh, etc
    cost : more food and less gold
    stats : more health, no armor, splash damage

i know it would add more work,
don’t bother if it is not possible

2.some of the original infantry line names i think they sould be renamed

some suggestions :

  • Swordsman Line
    Militia > Short Swordsman
    Man At Arms > Light Swordsman
    Long Swordsman > Swordsman / Long Swordsman
    Two Handed Swordsman > Heavy Swordsman
    Champion > Champion

  • Spearman Line
    Spearman > Spearman
    Pikeman > Heavy Spearman
    Halberdier > Warrior / Hoplite

dunno if they sounded more fitting or not,
i just feel AOE2 unit names need to be changed,
maybe people in this forum could come up with more accurate names,

3.Add Babylon as a civ plz

  • need a Mesopotamian civ
  • Chaldean dynasty would be just OK
  • could somehow represent Assyirians, Akkadians, & Sumerians

Well, in some way, the mod is a total conversion of AOE1 to AOE2

but the project seems like centering around antiquity era, so i might be wrong if i suggest this

4.Palmyra civ,

  • a civ set in antiquity era just like Romans
  • might be good addition so player could create custom scenarios / campaigns telling the story of Emperor Aurelian

5.Chariot Units
back then on the original AOE, i love chariot units, but the models are all Egyptian, except of Scythe Chariots of course

i always wonder, it would’ve been cool if the barbarians have chariots too, and the Greeks.

  • Briton chariots
  • Greek chariots

well, way i see it, not necessarily add the Greek one into Stable for normal gameplay, but for scenario

so far, i enjoyed this mod, played it for days, and i’m loving every second of it…
those custom units & buildings are just beautiful,
this is the AOE1 DE we deserve…

thanks for reading :smile:

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Not needed, and creates less unique unit potential.

Swordsman line already has been renamed to final form, and spearman will be renamed as of the next update.

Not going to happen, it’s out of the timeline, and too much geographical crossover with Persians and Parthians.

Already has been considered, not a priority right now.

Greeks don’t need chariots, we just need a model for Briton chariots.


wow! thanks for quick reply!
Briton Chariot is a good news for me :smiley:

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