What’s up with all the threads about the same issue?
This is just a small sample of all the threads you have starting in the last months about this subject. You have made many more threads about this point. You are just spamming… Maybe some @moderators could merge all these threads to just one big thread?
Now about the issue itself:
If people only queue solo or only queue premade, then the current system will be fine. The only issue arise if people sometimes queue solo and other times queue as premade. Even then it wont really be a big issue.
What currently is an issue, it the mess of inflated elos. Premades that play that high are most likly good players that just teamed, while on you team as solo you most likely have some noobs with very much inflated elo, but still stuck. I really think most of the current issues with the TG balance are due to this issue. The devs are looking into this. Recently the made a fix to stop the inflation, but this new system is also exploitable, which some people do. Let the devs focus on that part of the elo system and fix those issues. Then they have to reset the ladder or something like that, as the easiest way to clean up their mess with the inflated elo. Afterwards these issues will be gone.
And about the match making:
2.5k is already top 5% of the players. There arent really much players with exactly the same elo. Matches with about 300 elo difference seem pretty reasonable, given how the MM system works.
Not sure why you multiple the number by 4. Elo is calculated by the average elo, so that is all that matters.
Not sure why you should pay for a second account. It is free by using family share. There are some limits on the number of accounts, but it is like 5 accounts for every 90 days. Something like that. It is enough to smurf for some people. I wish the devs takes smurfing much more seriously by just banning it. But yeah, smurfing is a real issue in this game. Not only for TGs, but also for 1v1s. I think that if it was paid to smurf, then people would smurf much less.
The lag is pretty much new to me. I have had lag in the past, but that seems to be fixed months again. The game itself runs pretty smooth. Also scrolling through the report a bug section i dont see major threads about lag. If you compare the lag of DE with HD or voobly, then DE is running much smoother.