Spanish dogs
I’ll bring this up again. I’d like more dogs. I really need them, there aren’t enough. Since Spain “should” play melee units, then give them dogs. One for each age up. This would add uniqueness and fun.
There are not many nations in the game that have the ability to play crossbowmen, I would like them to be able to provide at least some resistance to skirmishers. In principle, everything suits me here, it is only necessary to somehow add +2 range, and make corselet to also work on crossbowmen.
I understand what the idea was, but it doesn’t work. He won’t be able to fight other melee soldiers, gendarmes, harquebusiers, skirmishers, musketeers. The only thing pikemen can handle well are lancers, chinakos and buildings. Putting 5 cards into him for this function is just a stupid decision.
Useless unit.
Using this guy as a melee one is more effective.
Looking at this guy, I didn’t take cards for an archaic combat to Spain for a long time. It is built only 3 seconds faster than the halberdier. Does not receive bonuses from the Hidalgos card. Archaic battle does not affect it to its full extent. If you compare it to tercio, it cannot fight lancers, chinakos and buildings. Its only use is cover mode. He has a lot of melee armor, but he will lose a fight with any melee unit stronger than a pikeman.
I don’t know how to help him… give him some kind of superhero ability or make him cheap and fast to build.
I understand that the War Dogs are really useful, but personally I feel it loses the uniqueness in theme when other civs can have the hero Explorer’s Dog instead, as that makes having dogs not a special thing.
If the spanish can start with an Explorer’s Dog as well as being able to train War Dogs from the Age II, and then maybe the limit of War Dogs can increase by the ages.
Off topic sorry, but If the Crossbowmen can have some way to be turned into kind of gunpowder units, like how the Portuguese do, that would be amazing.
As the Royal Guard upgrades, the Portuguese can also cost -25%, the Swedes can also cost -20 food, but the Tercio have nothing special.
Maybe the Spanish Square card can also upgrade them to Tercio, like the Gentlemen of the Pike for the British.
But they are often used when I watch people playing Spanish.
Fwiw spanish dogs do get upgrades from spains cards for explorer. Dogs are already so good it’s why spain ff is strong, and in supremacy almost never do people take explorer cards. The dogs upgrading automatically and being 80f is already extremely strong as is. Would be hard to balance.
Yeah this could work to open up age4 pike xbow but I’d add a food cost as spain is already extremely strong at FI play. Maybe do 1k food but upgrade xbow and pike to age4. As for long term viability xbow pike are solid but spainish eco isnt super strong late game so even with 3x cards extra armor royal guard pike and unction youll just not have the economy usually to pump stuff out. Hard to balance since spains only real weakness in supremacy is lack of strong eco usually.
Rods are a s-tier unit in suprenacy used by good players but juan is a f-tier player with low game knowledge and skills. You’ll notice he has 5.7 speed rod in his picture- no good player sends corset in supremacy. Slowing a fast unit that should be faster than a cav archer (with drummer and liberation march) kills its job of chasing cav. Really no melee infantry wants to be slower since they are always wanting to be in melee asap. With 40% melee armor and decent melee theyll beat weaker infantry (even some skirms) chase cav and paired with lancer are an amazing combo.
Juan being a pathological liar who spams posts in this forum with nonsense like this, will not learn this and remain ignorant on how the civ works in supremacy so dont waste too much energy responding to his rants that are not informed on how civs work. But yes, rods are fine as is for supremacy mode. They require micro to use though and are not easy to use like musk- need to use their speed to move constantly.
No normal person would slow down a unit if it makes it useless. As I said, the developers completely screwed up with this unit.
Thank you for always confirming my words, mr. make cav vs caroleans)
You being bad by sending corset in supremacy to boost hand infantry is why your too stupid to know how teams work and why i was 500 elo higher than you fighting people 1000 elo higher than you and tied the series. but w/e troll ima just post your list of bs and move on.
Forgor the 12 jaegers so thats another lie.
The man couldnt get past 990 without doing rhe haude rush says this (check ffp)
Any high level player knows xbow of malta are peak in age4
Juan literally claimed food bonus would lead to slower age ups
Refused to read any other links to the subject
Translator note- wheels is villager in juanese. Also only morons play under 99 when able. Classic noob move cept very specific scenarios
Yep, juan is literally trying to say malta doesnt open german tounge.
Not since RE
add that to the list of lies. not how sentinels work (lodt quote but juan claimsed sentinels “pool” hp a la roman tactics or state militia
Just lol
Yep juan thinks haude cant FF or FI cause he isnt capable
Juan thinks 4x carded tomos cant beat french musk or un unctioned stuff.
Lol “treaty pro” thinks overpop isnt used in haude plaza
He called this supremacy before, funny how he shifts between treaty and supremacy when he is called out on bs
Not true cept very specific all ins
Not how math works but ok
less lie more lack of game knowledge.
Man really doesnt understand how 39 range/60range works but then he couldnt get malta.past.1k elo so…
Interesting game with SoldieR playing as Spain and using the Royal Decree to Claim the New World card and researching all the special techs unlocked in the Church from it. Also he used the Colonial Estancias card to boost Town Center population.
AI players send the explorer cards. Although it’s an unimportant problem, when I see they have dogs too, I feel my Spanish less unique.
Allowing the Spanish can have a chance to access both types of dog can help the uniqueness. When the Explorer’s Dog is available to every explorer civ, then additionally having war dogs is special. Maybe the Spanish explorer card can simply also give an Explorer’s Dog too, when the explorer cards are usually unused after all.
It can cost food, or still be free but reduce the number of pikemen from 20 to 8 or less.
Rename the Royal Guard pikeman from Tercio to Tercio Pikeman, then maybe the card can also replace the crossbow with Tercio Arquebusier which is Guard level by default.
If the Imperial Tercio Pikemen could cost less or no wood, it might be helpful.
Maybe unction should be strronger in later ages. Spain used to have higher damage units.
Also, unction is not that used in Supremacy, at least in TAD.
If soldados are a concern, then make Grenadier tag less affected and missionaries not trained faster after cavalry training times upgrades or make them more expensive.
After they added an upgrade to all shooting infantry, it even had to be nerfed by 10% for musketeers. I think the damage is ok. You can change it so that it affects melee damage by some percent more. But again, I think this is unnecessary. It would be nice if the tercio + garrocista attack was simply supported by a large number of dogs. So that the explorer upgrade cards become relevant for Spain.
I’ve heard that at higher levels treaty Spain is basically top tier. I don’t see it much were I am, so I’m guessing there’s some skill level related thing that kicks in somewhere. Either that or the unit comp is different enough that it just needs a lot of civ specific practice.
On the 1v1 Sup front, Spain is good imo. I wouldn’t buff it or nerf it. It’s a little bit of a one-trick pony, but they have other viable builds.
Spain isn’t too popular in 3v3 from what I’ve seen. The melee heavy comp can still be good, but ranged comps start to outshine it a bit more I think. They are still playable and you have things like Team 1 Falc and team 1 Heavy Cannon, so imo not worth any changes for this specifically. It would be incredibly hard to fix this without really messing up other things.
Or perhaps make it 8 pikes in age 3 with the armor upgrades. 8 +10% ranged and melee armor on pikes sounds like it could be fair. Maybe cover mode would become an issue, but Spain is more inclined to spam Rod/skirm/lancer so I don’t see much changing other than boosting Fortress Xbow/pike plays which Spain uses fairly rarely.