The OP proposed to give the same language for Goths and Huns since said Huns used the Gothic language as their linga franca, since they had to make it so that all the tribes they had under their command could communicate somehow.
We also do not know what language the Huns spoke amongst themselves, because the Huns never left anything written down about them, and would actively seek to burn anything anyone else would have wrote; since being obscure and mystical was part of their terror tactics.
We literally know almost nothing about the Huns, which is why they do not actually fit the description of a “civilization”.
They did not build or write anything, did not spread their religion or language, and basically disappeared as soon as Atilla died.
There is no way to get an accurate voice pack for Huns that would actually be hunnic.
The part with the Gospel of Mark is really beautiful, specially because the Goths were majority Christian by the time Alaric destroyed Rome, and these things were actually read out loud in halls and town squares, in Visigothic lands, because the Arian doctrine insisted that everyone had to know Scripture, even if they could not read.
I don’t think they will ever change Aztec voicelines, they remade Haudenosaunee and Lakota voicelines for AoE3 to become more accurate but left the Aztec voicelines (that are just as innacurate as the AoE2 ones) as is.
I know I am necroing this post, but I thought this is an update worth sharing for those which are bothered by this. I just found today great mods which fix most of the issues in terms of voice lines except Huns and they’re nice to have:
Now if only there was a mod which would make Huns speak Chuvash.
It might sound weird, but I would like a mod that makes Huns speak the nonsense language from AoE1. I would make one but I can’t figure out how to make sound mods. (Can’t find the sound files.)