The Castilians civ concept

Hi there. So, in this topic, I’m discussing the Castilians as a proposed future civilization to be added in the future. Anyways, here’s some proposed flags:

Castile is the historical region covering the area of Spain that consisted of most of Castile and León, all of the Community of Madrid, and the majority of Castilla–La Mancha. The name “Castile” derives from the word “castillo” (meaning “castle” in Spanish), or “land of castles” in reference to the castles built in this area. This region was where the powerful states of the Kingdom of Castile and the Crown of Castile ruled over and throughout the 781-year period, they would engage in a series of wars with the Moors known as the Reconquista.

Credits to @Kameho3743 for letting me use some of the stuff from his Spanish civ concept.


  • Villagers have +8 Torch damage.
  • Villagers gather +5 food from meat.
  • Warships are able to function as trade ships, but with 35% reduced combat efficiency and trade revenue on the active trade routes.
  • Villagers drop off 10% more wood, gold, and stone.

Unique units:

  • Adelantado - Infantry noble unit that helps increases the influence coming from the Reconquista. Available at the Barracks starting in the Feudal Age and becomes available at the Town Center if you have the Royal Palace of Olite landmark.
  • Jinete - A cavalry unit that throws a javelin when in ranged mode and uses a spear when in melee mode. Can switch between ranged mode and melee mode. Available at the Stable and replaces the Horseman (since jinete means “horseman” in Spanish).
  • Missionary - A religious unit that can convert without a relic but targets only one unit. It can become an infantry if Inquisition is researched. Available at the Monastery and replaces the Monk.

Unique Technologies:

  • Water Wheels - Docks doubles as resource gathering points for Farms and Forest.
    Villagers drop off 8% more Food and Wood at docks. Available at the Dock starting in the Feudal Age.
  • Parias - Villagers nearby Town Centers generate +20 gold per minute while enemy villagers’ gold gathering rate is -15%. Available at the Monastery starting in the Castle Age.
  • Inquisition - Missionaries become infantry units. Available at the Monastery starting in the Castle Age.
  • Order of Calatrava - Knights can be created at the Monastery. Available at the Monastery.
  • Constable of Castile - 1 Adelantado is created automatically from each Town Center every 3 minutes. Available at the Monastery starting in the Imperial Age.
  • Colunella - Hand Cannoneers provide nearby Spearmen with +3 Armor, and Spearmen provide nearby Hand Cannoneers with 15% attack speed. Available at the University.
  • Treasure Fleet - Trade ships loaded with trade, provide a boom to nearby ships. Increases their attack speed and movement speed by 20%. Available at the Dock starting in the Imperial Age.

Special feature(s):

  • Reconquista - Allows construction of all landmarks, but they have to be within the Reconquista (Town Center) influence zone, which can be extended to the outposts. Has to create 2 landmarks in order to Age Up.


  • Cathedral of the Bishops - Landmark that lets you build the Monastery in the Feudal Age. Based on the Sigüenza Cathedral.
  • Romanesque Temple - Landmark that lets nearby villagers carry double the number of resources. Based on the Temple building within Spain that is a landmark that is still missing to this day.
  • Cistercian Abbey - Landmark that lets nearby Monasteries generate a trickle of gold. Based on the Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas.
  • Royal Palace of Olite - Landmark that functions like the Barracks and Archery Range, producing units 200% faster and lets you create Adelantados at the Town Center. Based on the building of the same name.
  • Peñaranda Castle - Landmark that functions as a defensive structure. It lowers the cost of emplacements by 35%. Based on the building of the same name.
  • St. Paul’s Covenant Church - Landmark that let nearby Missionaries convert units 60% faster. Based on the building of the same name.

Wonder: Burgos Cathedral

Architecture: It would be based on Gothic architecture that happens to be in Castile, the historical region, with Isabelline-style being prominent in the Imperial Age.

Language: Old Spanish (As with other civilizations, the language would evolve within each age you have reached).

Proposed Stats for each unique unit:


  • Cost: 90 Food and 30 Gold
  • Training time: 18 seconds
  • Hitpoints: 105 (Regular), 140 (Veteran), 170 (Elite)
  • Attack: 9 (Regular), 11 (Veteran), 13 (Elite)
  • Melee armor: 2 (Regular), 3 (Veteran), 4 (Elite)
  • Pierce armor: 2 (Regular), 3 (Veteran), 4 (Elite)
  • Speed: 1.25 tiles/second
  • Upgrade cost: 125 Food and 250 Gold (Veteran), 350 Food and 700 Gold (Elite)
  • Upgrade time: 60 seconds (both, Veteran and Elite)


  • Cost: Same as Horseman
  • Training time: Same as Horseman
  • Hitpoints: 130 (Regular), 160 (Veteran), 185 (Elite)
  • Melee Attack: Same as Horseman
  • Ranged Attack: 10 (Regular), 12 (Veteran), 14 (Elite)
  • Fire Attack: Same as Horseman
  • Rate of Fire: 1.60 seconds (Melee), 2.130 seconds (Ranged)
  • Range: 4.5 tiles
  • Melee armor: 0
  • Pierce armor: Same as Horseman
  • Speed: Same as Horseman
  • Upgrade cost: Same as Horseman
  • Upgrade time: Same as Horseman


  • It has the same stats as the Monk while having certain different/added features (as mentioned in the description of this unit) and as well as a different appearance.

Conclusion: Having the Castilians become a thing in Age of Empires IV would be a good thing because it can represent the historical region of Castile within Medieval Spain.

Edit: Had to edit the Landmarks list because of the filters that censored names within some of the hyperlinks.


It’s not interesting without pictures, fix this misunderstanding :v::wink:

I tried putting in pics besides just the flags but the problem is that I had errors trying to insert more pics.

I don’t know if you are spanish, but I am, and I don’t think this concept represents the spanish castilian region.

I will not elaborate too much right now because I am in the phone, but first the missionary was a religious sent to americas or other continents to convert people to its religious. Problem is, Abbasid can do the same, and no one uses this feature.

Despite that, castilian, was full of castles, and its region was mostly in the middle of Spain, so no docks there.

I think a castilian civ is better represented with some bonuses with castles, and much more military oriented.

Right now, seems a semi religious civ based on trading by sea.

La reconquista was a intense military period fought against muslims where more than a half part of the península was recovered. I think will represent better castilian region if the reconquista give bonus based on enemy and buildings killed.

For example, as Abbasid has his HoW bonuses based on building connecteds, castilian can have his bonuses based on that, and could be military bonuses, as faster unit training, attack speed bonuses, etc…

The bonuses between spearmen and HC forces the player to build these combination.

And jinete is better represented as a semi heavy unit, they were not heavy knights as french cavalry but neither light cavalry, they had some armor.

Ty for the effort anyway, I will try to think more concepts and will put here.


Thanks for the feedback. And yeah, you are more than welcome to think about more concepts and put it here. Now the reason I thought of the Jinete replacing the Horseman was because the word “jinete” translates into “horseman”.

Yeah I’ve had this error as well.
Is it on the pictures you are trying to upload? Or copying a imagine url adress?

I’ve had most success with just uploading via Copying the image and CTRL+V into the thread directly. (not uploading from computer, but directly from the image url but copying and uploading a direct copy of the image instead of using the URL of the image.

Other than that, I like the concept. I dunno why i didn’t think about the Jinete/Ginete when I designed the spanish civ. After playing around with the Malians, having Javeling throwing horsemen (as first strike) would be very cool and usefull.
Especially when dealing with siege (this is a suprisingly usefull tool for the Malian Donzo to deal with Mangonels, as their “javelin” attack counts as melee damage and the Siege range armor does not take effect)


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Yep, but Jinete in spanish has various meanings, one is just “person that mounts a horse”, another one is “mounted soldier that fought with a lance and an adarga (adarga it’s a circular shield)”.

They were like horsemen but with a light armor, I think a mix between a AoE4 horsemen and the knight.

Moreover, I really miss the Tercios. They appeared approximately in 1504 and its final were about the year 1700.

I think Tercios could be something near a streltsy, they used Arcabuz weapon, and was one of the first modern armies using powder and a pike at the same time, so they could act as streltsy with melee proficiency.

Also, Tercios were a very organised army, so maybe they could get buffs from having other military units near.

Just a correction, the word “Ginete” does not exist in spanish, is “Jinete”.

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Which is why I referred as Jinete/Ginete.
As spain was under quite some langauge developtment during this era.
Spanish with a lot of Galician /Portuguese pronunciation would often use Ginete instead.

And during this time, the Castillians would cover quite a bit of galician and even portuguese lands and languages and the Castillian-based spanish haven’t fully developt to the spanish we know of today.

Kinda how the french sound far more spanish-latin like during the dark age, compared to the when they got hit in the head by baguette and turned into almost full french in imperial age.

While I’m not spanish myself, nor spanish talking, I’m quite familiar with the spanish language having lived a short period in Ferrol and had a long term relationship with a Puerto Rican (Carribean), so been exposed quite a lot to the lingua, and there are regions and areas that tend to emphasize more on a G rather than J, American Puerto Ricans being prime example of this. (but then again, afaik according to my X, is that Puerto Rican spanish is also known as Hamburger Spanish, much like the french but got hit in the head by a hamburger instead but in a far later era compared to french)


The problem is that the pronunciation of Ginete is totally different from Jinete, so if you see written Ginete on some place, it would be probably an error of someone who didn’t know how to write it.

Also, in Galicia they tend to substitute the J with X, it would be Xinete, but galeican is a very different language from Spanish, I can’t even undertand a word in a whole phrase in galeican.

Also we got here Catalonian and Valencian (languages that I speak), that are more similar to Italian or French (but more italian).

I’ve read some Castillian spanish, mostly from “El quijote”, dated from 1600 aprox, and while it is true that there are rare sentences and ways of expressing something, the G and the J in a word has a different pronunciation, so I doubt that Ginete was an accepted word.

Anyway, I was just referring to the writting of the word nowadays.

I’m going to update this civ concept by making some changes and as well as add certain stuff. So, here’s the list:

New Bonuses:

  • Blacksmith technologies cost -50%.
  • Military units have +1 pierce armor when advancing through each age.

New Unique Technology:

  • Improved Fortifications - Hitpoints of defensive structures is increased by 20%. Available at the University.

New Landmark:

  • Cathedral of the Bishops is replaced by the Segovia Fortress.

About the new Landmark:

  • Segovia Fortress - Landmark that increases the armor of nearby outposts by 75% and reduces the reload time by 20%. It also contains Blacksmith technologies, but there, they are researched 100% faster. Based on the Alcázar of Segovia.

@Blast9867 the missionary appeared really in century XV and XVI, so I won’t add this feature to Castilians, was really more of the Spanish kingdom, in the colonization of america from the XVI century.

I would add the Tercios as replacement of the HC.

I’ve made a bit of research, I give you some ideas:

  • The “Guarda Real”, was a professional paid soldier, similar to Men at Arms. Its duty was protect the king. Appeared in century XV, so maybe they can be a castle or imperial age evolution of Men at Arms. Same as French got his Royal Knight, Spanish/Castilians can have his Royal Guard.


  • The “Alabardero”. Similar to a spearmen, but light armored, and the spear got an axe at the same time.



PS: I tried to upload the photos, but got an error when uploading more than one. I fixed it by uploading one, then reload page and edit message.

I was thinking of the Missionary of the Medieval era tbh. Do you know what religious unit I can change to the Missionary into?

@Blast9867 which era should I search?

PS. Missionary was known from convert people to its religiom, maybe as special feature, they can convert other religious units, not with a relic, just single conversion.

The era you could search is the High Middle Ages.

Me encanta la parte del Jinete con la jabalina cada cierto tiempo. Tengo entendido que los españoles heredaron el lanzar jabalinas de la tradición de los Genitours de An-Andalus/Granada; que hasta lo volvieron un deporte de entrenamiento, (Juego de Cañas) baneado luego porque causaba muchos muertos.

También dicen que la Jineta española era ideal para caballería ligera, debido a que el trote del caballo le permitía girarse hasta 180 grados. Talvez puedan hacer como los mongoles y hacer que el jinete español pueda “atacar mientras avanza” solo que en melee. Tal vez esa podría ser su característica especial, y el lanzamiento de jabalina podría ser su “tecnología única”; porque casi todas las unidades unicas tienen su 2do poder en tecnología única:
-Los Streltsi que tienen su francotirador de Mov. Estatico, se potencian con Doble marcha.

  • los Royal Knight que tienen su bonus de ataque por carga, adquieren regeneración con Chivalry.
  • Mandugai que atacan mientras cabalgan, tienen Siha Bow Limbs para más ataque.

Siendo honestos, desde que metieron que el cazador Mali podía lanzar una jabalina, también se elevaron mis ánimos de que que el Jinete español pueda hacerlo.

Dato curioso de Aoe2: En age2 la unidad “Knight” en inglés la traducen como “Jinete” en ves de caballero, y su evolución “Chevalier” recién la traducen como caballero. Muchos en latinoamerica y españa crecimos con la idea de que la unidad de caballeria pesada en su etapa inicial era un soldado montado y no un caballero, que era la idea original de los creadores del juego. Es curioso.


I love the part of the Horseman with the javelin. I understand that the Spanish inherited javelin throwing from the tradition of the An-Andalus/Granada Genitours; that they even turned it into a training sport, (Game of Cañas) banned later because it caused many deaths.

They also say that the Spanish Jineta was ideal for light cavalry, because the horse’s trot allowed it to turn up to 180 degrees and move swiftly across the battlefield. Maybe they can do like the Mongols and make the Spanish rider able to “attack while advancing” but in melee. Maybe that could be his special feature, and the javelin throw could be his “unique technology”; because almost all unique units have their 2nd power in unique tech:

  • Stretsi have Static Deployment but get boosted with Double Time
  • Royal Knights have the attack Bonus with charge, but get regeneration with Chivalry
  • Mandugai have attacks in movement, either have Siha Bow Limbs, to get more attack.

To be honest, since they introduced that the Mali hunter could throw a javelin, it also raised my spirits that the Spanish Horseman can do it.

Curious fact of Aoe2: In age2 in Spanish language, the unit “Knight” in English is translated as “Jinete” instead of knight, and its evolution “Chevalier” is just translated as knight. Many of us in LatinoAmerica and Spain grew up with the idea that the heavy cavalry unit in its initial stage was a mounted soldier and not a knight, which was the original idea of the creators of the game. It’s very curious.

So, an update to make on this concept is that the Missionary will be replaced by a different religious unit that’s unique to the Castilians and the Missionary becomes a special feature instead as suggested by @joanka93val . Not sure which one I should go for but ideas happen to include the Bishop and Cardinal. Anyways, some additions have been made. So, here’s what they are:

New Unique Units:

  • Guarda Real - Heavy infantry unit unique to the Castile. Available at the Barracks starting in the Imperial Age.
  • Alabardero - Medium infantry unit unique to the Castile. Good against cavalry units. Available at the Barracks starting in the Imperial Age.

New Special Feature:

  • Missionary - Influences religious units to convert other religious units without using a relic but only does a single conversion.

@Blast9867 despite not being historically accurate, I would just give alabardero from feudal age, and guarda real from castle, OR, give guarda real as a upgrade of the normal men at arms.

Guarda real was a “evolution” of the classical men at arms.

Alabardero could remplace spearmen and can be like spearmen from HRE, with an armor, and be more effective versus heavy OR light infantry, as better balanced. I think maybe they can have a bonus versus heavy, as they got an axe on the spear also.

Guarda Real can be like men at arms but with improved armor or HP.

Giving all unique units from imperial would made castilians a rush to imp civ.

Not all unique units would first be available in the Imperial Age and balancing measures would have to be done in order to not make the Imperial Age-only unique units be OP though the Guarda Real can be the evolution of the Man-At-Arms by being a unique upgrade that comes after the Elite tier with the Guarda Real research cost being 400 Food and 800 Gold.