This almost costed me a game yesterday. I was unable to get my lumberjacks to drop their wood in the closest ACCESSIBLE storage pit. They would think they can cross forest to drop in the other storage pit.
Reproduction Steps:
Here’s how to reproduce the problem:
Open Scenario Editor
Set something like in the picture.
Send your 4 villagers to chop a tree that split both camps.
Send the other 3 villagers to chop a tree that split both camps.
The 4 villagers will be trying to drop the wood in the storage pit that is unacessible, so they will get stuck and no longer move.
I reproduced the scene on editor, and the problem occured again :
That’s not really a bug. For the villagers this storage is the closest and they are so stupid and try with all their might to get there. It’s more of a pathfinding or mechanical problem.
Just saw this happening yesterday. Woodcutters doing a vast U-turn around a dense forest instead of turning to the less obstructed storage pit. It’s just a symptom of the messed up pathfinding, who some people claim that’s the original experience and a charm.
Yeah, we all feel very nostalgic seeing our villies losing the economic war for no reason and our army getting stuck on itself.