? Sorry but AoM was kind of “cartoonish” too and also quite bright for as you say a “historical game” which AoM wasn’t really completely.
Also nothing in AoE4 looks cartoonish especially not the landscape and the buildings. The units are a bit simplified look wise and look cause of that maybe, in your words, cartoonish. But I assume that’s cause of the perspective and the unit number and also maybe engine reasons?
AoM had a “cartoonish” touch too it just wasn’t maybe that visible cause games back then weren’t that detailed, expectations lower and graphics way less detailed so design decisions were more excusable/acceptable etc.
I personally don’t mind a high fantasy colourful design which AoM to some degree was/is, but I also wouldn’t mind to see a darker game with a more serious approach. Or you make it like total war Troy Mythos were the approach is between serious models/design and colourful colours.
But talking about visuals: I am VERY curious and interested about the design decision of units especially myth units.
I mean in AoM there was e.g. the cyclops which was clearly inspired by the Ray Harryhausen movies and less “historical correct” as some might think. As a kid I thought those cyclopses are “mythological correct” but it seems the approach Troy Mythos went with is way more “mythological correct” I personally like both designs I would just like to know which Retold will go.
Another approach could be what we see with the manticore or especially the hydra. Compare the design here of the total war warhammer manticore and hydra, the design of total war Troy Mythos and AoM design. Even I love AoM, I personally like the design of he manticore of total war warhammer more than the AoM design. Regarding the hydra I found the design pretty cool of the hydra in AoM as a kid but nowadays I think the other two design are more suitable, especially the design Troy Mythos went with. (hydra should start with more heads and should be more about poison and sustainability for example in my opinion)
But again I also like the approach of movies like Ray Harryhausen did (as a kid when I watched the old movie Sinbad journeys I was VERY terrified of the cyclopses there) but know ppl would call it more “cartoonish” I guess.
I personally am willing to pay full price (60-80€) for the game that’s how much I waited for and wanted a new/upgraded AoM. Even I own two copies of the old CDROM games and EE with the Chinese dlc. I would pay it.
I just really need to know (and I think the AoM community really deserves it) two major things disregarding the release date and other stuff:
- what design you want to approach (concept art would be very much appreciated here in the next maybe months)
- what engine you will use (i personally am open to pretty much everything here but would of course welcome a stronger/more flexible one which allow for multiple animations per unit and allow flying units to land like they can now in the latest total war Warhammer game)
I think that’s the two major points we need to know and you should be as transparent as possible about.
More factions sounds really nice but really shouldn’t be priority at the moment! Resources and time would end into designing and balance new civilisations which are definitely needed elsewhere especially at the beginning of development. At least that’s my honest point of view.
But I would welcome more options of the existing/original factions for sure which I think many would welcome too:
one more major and minor god for each civ and age**
- more improved naval and air combat
more unique heroes for not only Greeks (with maybe certain buffs?)
- experience for units (which wouldn’t be necessary but I think would be really cool to see since other RTS games already did this the past years. Like Hoplite1 killed 5 enemies and helped to kill 5 and is now veteran which gives him slightly more hp and hack armour for example) this would be really cool but maybe too much for a retold version of a game which didn’t get really attention for about 20 years - except for:
- the Chinese dlc which REALLY need a complete overhaul
- i want to add myth unit hitboxes
please better AI since when you play vs AI (what i mostly do) then even on hard the AI is either hyper aggressive or really passive and nearly never use much myth units
(- i also would personally appreciate to not have titans but i don’t mind if they are there)
** major gods:
Norse: Thor, Loki, Odin, Hel/Frigg
Egypt: Isis, Ra, Seth, Osiris
Greek: Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera
(as far as I know I am not alone who REALLY thinks that Hera and Osiris should be major gods)
minor new gods could be:
Mani/Nott - Moon (Werewolf unit?)
Vidarr- forest/revenge
Gullveig - goddess of greed (dragon unit? or if you take Frigg as major god instead of Hel then definitely a dragon myth unit for her)
Ma’at/Ammit - Justice (chimera unit with crocodile head and special attack to devour a unit?)
Ba’al - Storm
Anat/Ishtar - Love/War
Nyx- Night (harpy unit?)
Morpheus/Hypnos - dream/sleep
Thanatos - death (Cerberus unit?)
Erebus - shadow (Cerberus unit?)