What would you like to see in Myth Retold?

Personally, I am not satisfied with the lush effect. Lush lacks animation. It should expand slowly and continuously like the creep in SC2, instead of like PPT, which is like unfinished. As for the other vegetation on the ground, I think they don’t look as garish as AOE3DE, but I think they have also lost their luster and vitality. They look cheap and not good-looking.

I mean… how frank am I allowed to be?

I think it is not a far stretch to say that Rain is in a pretty bad spot right now, other than farm centric ptah builds you almost never want to get farms and by the time you do get farms rain will also benefit your opponent. With his berry boost it just further reinforces the fact that food is not the issue for Egyptians. With it no logner blocking godpowers it lost its main utility on for example water maps where you naturally want less farms.

I would there for like to propose a small change
During Rain you reveal settlement spots ont he map,

if that turns out to strong it can be reduced to only revealing built settlements.

Uranus lost this ability for understandable reasons, but it being tied to a short duration godpower seems a reasonable way to reduce it back into the game. For one it would help shore up Ra’s terrible scouting potential compared to other egyptians and other factions in general, allowing you some key information even when you are on the defensive. I also find this bonus to be very thematic for Ra, the fact that rain applies to every player further lends itself to the concept.

I never understood why rain helped your enemy, even if it’s less. Just make it help you and your allies.

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I always liked it, it thematically fit very well and it helped destinguish it from being just prosperity but for food.
So I am glad they kept it, but with it no longer blocking god powers there needs to be something more to in my opinion, therefor my proposal.

You are allowed to say you opinion as long as it’s on opinion about the game and not a direct insult to the developers or something.
Nothing wrong with disliking something about the game.

Kinda agree. Really liked the Ents throwing boulders in WC3 would love to see a defensive “structure” like that AomR too


I would like to see a trigger added in the scenario design so you can add a new (special) action to a unit.
Because now you seem to be able to only change the current ones.

I have nothing bad to say about the devs no. My issue is that lush looks like the Jolly Green Giant’s ######## Thus I would very much like the art team to take another crack at it.

I guess DM me if you really want to know what that word is :rofl:

i absolutely agree with you. As a AoE rms creator who loves to create atmospheric landscapes and themes for random maps and trying me out now in retold rms i have to say that i love the way the textures look and work together in retold. They perfectly catch this old colorful AoE vibe in a modern, more variet 3d look and the trees, rocks and textures have a vibrant and colorful look. For my taste, the art for the map assets/textures is perfect.

since i saw you reduced Promethean wonder age size and gave archaic murmillos helmets etc.

i would personally like to see: (in no particular order)

• buff petsuchos/petsobek and make the unit slightly bigger
• buff sphinx
• buff automatons or buff Letos GP
• change roc to an age 3 myth unit like leviathan for every god (maybe nerf it a bit again for that?)
• nerf milita or remove them
• give Loki a second upgrade or maybe a scouting wolf unit? (its imo relative weak compared to Odin, Thor and also Freyr) / line of sight is strong and nice but both others have better and or more upgrades
• nerf ceasefire
• give Baldr’s firegiants an upgrade which let them look like Hels firegiants with upgrade
• change Orchialc. Mail of Rheia to upgrades regarding all counterbarak units (Cheiroballista gets Orchial upgrade, Katapeltes gets an upgrade wich buffs its dmg vs buildings like axemen of horus and Turma get an upgrade which makes them more usefull later on in the game - suggestions are welcome)
• let Atlas buff destroyers via upgrade but move Fanatic upgrade to Hekate instead (i really think Fanatics fit Hekate well) remove one upgrade for Hekate instead (maybe regen since Hex is fun and celerity fits her thematic well too which would also thematicall fit Fanatics)
• give Phoenix some special attack
• make cyclops a bit bigger modelwise and give their club also a visual upgrade with their upgrade
• make Hersisr a bit buffer and reduce the hammer growth of Vidars upgrade so that it doesnt grow comically large
• buff berserks a bit
• give huscarls a similar cloak like godi has
• let forestfire burn/scortch the ground for several seconds at least (“the floor is lava!” you get the idea) or
let it spawn some valkyrie angel spirits of vengance out of its smoke which fly around and dmg nearby
enemies for its duration
• buff the stats of Fafnir (please he feels not as strong as he should be especially for the risk)
• reduce the vfx of Rockgiant taunt (its a bit too much IMHO)
• reduce fimbulwinter duration or amount of wolves a bit for teamgames
• let colossus have a second animation (maybe let them stab with their sword as a second animation? just
a suggestion)
• plrease either remove Heras myrmidon upgrade (its imo not as interactive as “Valley of the Kings” and it limits her very much just to Zeus like that) or change it that it targets every special unit without focus on myrmidons) which really shouldn’t be a thing (especially since we now have Hel for Freyr)

(originally i also wanted to have Caladria a bit changed but i really see the use of her now and i like her. the heal feels great, the slow is solid and if you pay attention you realy notice it.)

otherwise love to play the game! great job :heart:

please. :pray:

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**Suggestion → Quick Match as to be removed so we can create a stable community.

Once “Quick Match” is removed everyone will be forced to host games just the way we’ve done on ESO, Voobly, EE, AoE3 and this will lead to a long lasting stable community. This will lead to new friends, new clans and more competition.

Currently, Quick Match is dividing the community that wants to play unranked games, we don’t want to play rated 24/7. With quick match it puts us vs noobs, which is a waste of time. We’re forced to play on that silly Quick Match mapset, which isn’t fun.

We’ll have a community where we can host games titled Experts Only, Noobs etc. We get to interact with other players, we get to pick the maps, we get to pick who plays. We want to relax and play with friends of different skill level. At the moment the community is competing against Quick Match because players are not using the lobby.

I have never played AoE4 but I’m guessing you have a similar feature there and this is the mistake on your part. The AoE4 community is constantly declining, you guys should fix your mistake here and remove “Quick Match” from Retold.

-The filters for “Browse Games” should save so we don’t have to set them each time.

-Game Title for regular games should be blank so we’re forced to enter a meaningful title.

-Adding in-game observing option; Normally we have a group of friends who play game after game and some want to take a break, the in game observing option would be very convenient. Atm, we have to leave and find the game, which is not easy and players end up leaving.

Example, you have a player who only plays rated with a few friends but none are online. No one wants to waste time on Quick Match and Retold has no lobby games…remove Quick Match.

Ce n’est pas en répétant sur quelques topic que les développeurs écouteront d’avantage, vous vous exposez même à la modération pour flood.

This thread should be closed tbh.
Now the game is out and suggestions deserve their own threads.


you know what? you might be right. even i would still count this as a suggestion thread but its overused and did target requests and suggestions before release. since i didn’t see a new thread the past hours i will start a new one for after release.

I’ll discuss that with the other moderators. :slight_smile: I think as of now this thread serves the same role as this one for AoE 4:

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First of all, great job to all of you working on this game.

Now, for the suggestions: i will try to not repeat what others just said, so i would like if we could have a filter for Scenario games while in the MatchFinding lobby (where we search custom games). That way we can find scenario games to relax faster instead of looking name by name at each room available.
