Why we DON'T need a Polish civ

i actually thought you were being ironic, oh well, almost no one.


Not ironic, just intoxicated.


My goodness, I’m starting to actually feel bad for the Poles, what an unfair way to speak about their nation and history. They weren’t a world power? Sure, but they were still a regional power much like other civs we’ve been suggesting, like the Burmese. And yes, they eventually fell to other powers, much like many civs in the game (Hausa, the 4 native american civs, the Indians)
I don’t understand why there’s so much hate towards that civ. Even a thread devoted to suggest devs NOT adding them. I’ve never seen such a thing before, not just in the aoe forums, but in any videogame community. It’s absurd.
There are many civ proposals here that i’ve never been such a big fan of, like splitting the Germans or adding Polynesians, but I don’t oppose them, it’s just that I prefer other new civs. However, if they would ever add those civs I would still play and enjoy them. I don’t understand this idea of trying to prevent certain civs from making into the game. What is your problem?


And who said Polish will be the game?

Yeah, that’s the thing. No one has. Some people are just suggesting they could be a new addition to the game (like with many other civs). However, this thread is devoted to suggesting NOT adding them. Like I said, first time I see something like this.

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If you create a new topic for it, or write it under the 250 " We want polish " topics doesnt change anything.
Every + has a -
Its nothing about poles themself, jesus.

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In the aoe2 forum half of the threads about new civs tend to be about African civs. But when someone dares to say they don’t want African civs, they are called Eurocentrists or whatever. The + - logic doesn’t seem to apply there.
And I still haven’t seen a specific thread about not adding African civs in the ao2 forum


i gotta be honest, we should have had denmark and poland before germany, mexico, USA, italy and malta. there i said it.


it really is though, like the person isn’t arguing “hey i want these factions cause they are very fun and interesting”, the person is arguing “not this faction because this factor”.

people can make their prioritisation lists etc, but this topic and the way people argue this is toxic.


I mean, I wish people would make posts about civs they want and sell us the idea of how interesting they could be and what makes them fun. But on the AOE3 section people always just do really weird arguments about demographics, marketing and speaking like we’re in charge of the game. It’s so bizarre to me, just can’t understand it.

So this is basically what we get instead.


I would like to see Maori like they did it in Wars of Liberty. Would you like such a thread (honest question)?

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“Weird arguments about demographics, marketing and speaking like we’re in charge of the game” only occurs IN RESPONSE TO posts like this. Don’t twist the reality.

This is exactly how normal civ suggestions look like:

The “weird arguments about demographics, marketing and speaking like we’re in charge of the game” never happens before “no it is irrelavant/not important enough/too many Europeans”. I don’t know in which alternate reality people would slap “weird arguments about demographics, marketing and speaking like we’re in charge of the game” onto others faces in the main topic.

However in “any other section” where people rarely make “weird arguments about demographics, marketing and speaking like we’re in charge of the game”, you have:


People being bitter for others merely wanting something is spectacular. And that is a thing not limited to this section but this entire forum.
In AOE2 we already have a lot. I was accused of “you ask for more civs because you want more civs”.
In AOE3 we have this.
In AOE4 you have people writing loooong essays teaching others why having more zoom will hurt yourself, or how making chicken in the farm moving is an arduous task far beyond human beings’ capability, or any QoL improvement might delay the perfect development timeline written in stone.
In AOM right now you have the exact same argument about zoom.

Learned a lot about humanity.

Edit: what made me even more disappointed is people just read the title and quickly picked a side and drag the topic into another loop of argument of historical relevance or racism or "weird arguments about demographics, marketing and speaking like we’re in charge of the game” or whatever, ignoring some blatant flaws in the OP’s argument like “Poland was a regional power so it should not be aded” and “winged hussars were nothing exceptional besides being ornate fast cavalry and only popularized by Sabaton”.
Yes popularized by a song in 2016. Nobody ever heard about winged hussars before 2016. I’d call this Dunning Kruger effect.


people have actually made polish suggestions, no one has ever made one for Siam or kazakhstan.

id love to see people, including you, come up with some interesting faction designs, but people just don’t, instead its just “oh this thing you never heard about so let me try and get a 1 up”.

in regards to marketing, like i’m sorry its just reality, Mexico exclusively was added because it was suppose to sell to Latin America, that’s why we got them. were just lucky the designers try their best to make a good faction from nothing.

every time someone ask for a small south american country you are all over it being “they should add it, and if not then i will” yet people ask for poland and all i see from you is something like “europe is already enough”, like south america isn’t just an extension of Europe.


hoop has posted at least one and i think several civ designs with detailed research

I agree, but whenever someone tries to do something like that, people appear who seek to divert the subject by demanding “justifications” and the whole conversation turns toxic.

I think it’s a bit to blame for the current situation in the world of videogames, nowadays they try to sell them as a service rather than as a method of entertainment, but this is just my personal opinion, it could be for any other reason.

No, we are not, we have our own culture, idols and customs, it is very biased to say that South America is an extension of Europe.
In the best of cases we are related to Europe, but the same could be said of Spain and the Muslims, although in that case it is not the best comparison.

  1. I hope I am not included among those ignoramuses. :pleading_face:

  2. It also bothers me a lot that Mexico and the United States lack their own architecture, I wish the developers had changed that aspect of post-colonial civilizations, or at least they could have varied the color palette of the buildings a bit.

  3. The only thing I don’t agree with is wanting more Age UP mechanics, I think the African and American mechanics are perfect for the game and I would like all civilizations to have it, but I respect your opinion.

im sorry what language do you speak? its not like you have your own language or religion, you can always find costume differences but its beyond the scope of a forum post to discuss what that is and at what point that becomes a relevant factor.

you are closer to spain than spain is to poland culturally. the “colourful” (speaking of things like food, festivals etc.) south america comes from spain, its not just something that developed in the new world, but something that evolved out of spanish culture.

again its a little beyond the scope to go into specifics but its hard not to see the similarities.

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Perfect, that’s your opinion, but Latin America is not an extension of Europe.:slightly_smiling_face:

In addition, Christianity originated in the Middle East and there are many variants of it, your argument is very ero-centric and assumes that Latin America exists only thanks to Europe, that is not the case.

Having said the above, I want to ask you not to comment to me again, because you are diverting the topic of conversation.

I agree there are too many European civilizations, I prefer funnier civilizations, for example I would like them to add the Mapuches, I would also like the developers to give the post-colonial civilizations their own architecture.

European designs were once unique? There are literally more differences between Mexico and the United States than the United States and England or Mexico and Spain.

Europe is already very boring, please developers add more content for South America, Africa and Asia.

Basically it would be another civilization with European units and some unique units, I don’t think it’s worth adding them.

Europe in the game was made to be boring. They were the oldest styled civs of the game and didn’t receive any design updates since TAD. And there were those competitive pvp people who never want to have fun or allow others to have fun so they were pushing the vanilla civs to be as vanilla as possible.
If there is a reason why they are boring is because they are actually underrepresented. You have two cards for each US or Mexican state, some based on really minor events or folklores, and Europeans get mostly generic stuff. US and Mexicans also get forced “unique” units under the extremely generic names of “regular” and “soldado”. By that standard Germans should have one or two cards for each HRE state and Dutch for each province, as well as for the major historical events in Europe, and unique units based on different names for the same unit type across nations.
I wouldn’t say the same for AOE2 because AOE2 civ represenrations are uniform. Each civ gets one or two unique units and two unique techs. But AOE3 is different. The bloating amount of cultural references since TAD has made older civs (mostly Europeans) obsolete. So updating them is a must.

If they really made a South American civ like say Gran Colombia I could imagine them making 50 unique cards based on single battles during the revolution, local cuisine or city/state names. And in that case I’d again start to advocate updating older civs.

However there were some people screaming loudly whenever the devs try to make the European civs more interesting. I guess you’re not one of them.


I understand, from what you’re saying, they wanted all civilizations to be similar, but they made them too boring to use.

No, wait, in any case, they are not underrepresented, they are poorly represented, we don’t need more European civilizations, we just need to fix the existing ones.

As I said before, the existing European civilizations would have to be improved, but I want to clarify that that is something that developers would have to do while they bring new civilizations.

No, especially because, I started commenting since AOE3DE came out, I didn’t even know there was a forum at that time. XD

Pass me the topic, I don’t remember.

Apart from not being interesting to me, I think there are too many European civilizations, let’s take into account that Europe is the most represented continent in the game, they should stop adding European civilizations and start adding civilizations from the rest of the continents.

Otherwise the game will never feel complete. :slightly_smiling_face: