[DLC concept] The Wealth of India (Bengalis & Tamils)

True but if they add venice they can change venice in teuton and italian campaigns just like how burgundy and sicilians replaced stand in civis for them.

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Very objective opinion.

I think I agree with you.

Does that matter? How many people from Serbia play AOE II other than lord DauT? How many people from modern day Myanmar, Ethiopia or Cambodia play the game to be added in the game?

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Thanks for your feedback. Obviously, all numbers are up for discussion and the bonuses could also be changed completely.
For Tamils, I already anticipated that they are too weak, especially missing some early eco bonus (for land maps!). I tried to model them a bit similar to Magyars who have no eco bonus, but cheaper and better Scout rushes, so Tamils should have one of the best M@A rushes. To make Castle and Imp better, the Gopuram monasteries could reduce not training time, but cost of all infantry units.
If anyone has an idea for a nice eco bonus which is not already assigned to other civs, let me know.
For Bengalis, I suspected the repair bonus combined with Paik’s repair ability could be quite interesting. With a bit of micro, it should be possible to prevent some losses of Mangonels, Siege Rams and later BCs. Or you could use them to repair a forward Castle. So, would this really be so underwhelming?
It could be given as a normal civ bonus (not UT), perhaps with an elephant UT instead.
The market bonuses are clearly relevant for team games only. There, the lowered tribute fee should be an incentive for early slinging tactics. This is a core idea of Bengalis: to make them an economic powerhouse and great team players. So, if their eco bonus of -10% vill training time is not enough, it could be e.g. -15% or -20%. In contrast to the Persian bonus, it kicks in immediately when the game starts (on the other hand, it doesn’t help for aging up and TC tech research). Therefore, a shorter vill training time adds up to quite some advantage, I guess.
I would appreciate more feedback like yours from a competitive player’s perspective.

By making such asumptions about ignorance, you are inherently displaying your own. How can you be so sure about me not knowing about Indian civilization?

I read about it. And i read about many more civilizations falling under the AOE2 scope:

Chinese dynasties,
Japanese clans,
Finnish Tribes,
Zimbabwe and their great “city”
and yes, several Indian subcultures

Hell i have even known about Khmer and their notorious Angkhor Wat, Malay, Aksumites etc more than a decade before their release (since the time i wasn’t even 10).

If i really was the ignorant one, i’d simply write “oh, them Indians all look the same - brownish skin, dark brown eyes, black hair, indifferentiable architecture/style - why so many cultures then?”

But on the other hand, i ALSO know what is development, being a developer myself. Creating real new civs and campaigns is no joke
 And the devs know better than a few guys (especially an Indian guy + guy who studies Indian history) in here constantly bragging about India and their numerous civs. So far, they have worked well as an umbrella civ, even though they would benefit a bit by being split into 2 factions. But the same could also be said about Chinese (Liao, Song, Yuan, Ming), Incas (Chanca vs Incan empire), Aztecs (Tlaxcala x Aztecs), Spanish (Aragonese, Catalan) etc
and if the 48 civ cap is real, then something else than splitting India might come in play

I reply so “harshly” because it’s 2nd time this guy made the thread “Wealth of India”, and there have been numerous other threads about India
 even a mod with several new Indian civs!..And it has mere 205 subscribers more than 6 months later (compare it to the Age of Hegemony - a mod for The conquerors! Its latest release from december 2018 still got over 8200 downloads! Yes, it’s been 2 and half years compared to 6 months, but we are talking about a “dead” game and yet it has over 40 times the downloads
 So, based on the views right now, it seems like the Devs have something else in mind than make a DLC many people would deem “unnecessary”


And to those who flag my posts

Don’t forget to flag all my posts “inappropriate” and offensive if you don’t agree with them. Instead of being insulted by every small thing, even truths based on statistics that have nothing to do with racism sexism or any this sort, just turn off your internet and don’t log in so that you don’t get insulted.


First Draft for the Bengals Civilization: (Modding Persian Civ)

Offensive Civilization

  • Villagers are created 20% faster

  • Foot archers have +1/+2/+3 attack in Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age

  • Spearman-line upgrades free

  • All ships have 10% hitpoints

Unique Unit: Paik (Archer) (Modding Longbowman)
Takes 50% less damage from Siege weapons, Attack bonus Vs Siege (+3 for Paik/+5 for Elite Paik)

Unique Techs:

  • Mint Towns: All gold generates 20% faster
  • Field Artillery: Bombard Canons are 50% cheaper

Team Bonus:
Can build Trade workshops starting in Castle age which generates resources over time (Takes 10 Population Space)

Tech Tree:

Archery Range

  • Missing Hand Cannoneer, Heavy Cavalry Archer and Parthian Tactics


  • Full tree available (except the Meso-American units)


  • Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Hussar
  • Knight
  • Battle Elephant, Elite Battle Elephant
  • Bloodlines, Husbandry

Siege Workshop

  • Missing Siege Onager and Heavy Scorpion


  • Missing Plate Barding Armor


  • Missing Heavy Demolition Ship and Elite Cannon Galleon


  • Missing Heated Shot, Treadmill Crane, Siege Engineers and Bombard Tower


  • Missing Sappers


  • Missing Herbal Medicine and Heresy

All economy upgrades available

Guess you just proved why you think this way.


Eh, literally no civ has this problem of working badly enough to need more civs and they are still being divided if thats what you are saying.


I was referring specifically to the 1st scenario of Genghis Khan, which features 6 civilizations that haven’t been given their own civ in the game. I’m not saying they should, but just pointing out that it’s not accurate to say they have covered all or even most of the civs featured in Genghis Khan. Your statement really only applies for European civs.

How can you add more mongols when everyone is a mongol tribe in the first 2 scenarios?same with the 3rd one all are chinese kingdoms unless you add a manchurian civi.

You really just proved my point with your post. Everyone who has some knowledge of Indian history is arguing that the civ as featured in the game is a mess and misses out on many important states/kingdoms that have existed throughout Indian medieval history.

BTW, if you list the Inuit as among civilizations that fall under the scope of AoE2, it’s going to be hard for me to take you seriously

And I’m just gonna add that any discussion about “sales”, “views”, etc. to back up new civ choices is in my opinion irrelevant. The devs added the Burgundians, and you can’t tell me that this was based on an expectation of sales, or due to a wide Burgundian player base.

Also, the player base of modern-day countries like Serbia/Ethiopia/India etc. should definitely not be a factor in the choice of civilizations to be featured in a medieval game. Otherwise, you might as well be arguing for the inclusion of Brazil and Australia.


That’s my point: they didn’t add those civs, but they could have. The Uyghurs, Tanguts, Kara-Khitai were at some point different civs in their own right. Again, I’m not saying they should be added, but just pointing out that you overlooked those when you stated that the devs had covered all civs featured in Genghis Khan.

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With that logic britons should be multiple kingdoms too who ever is ethnically mongol should be under mongolian as they speak the same language and have the same culture.

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This seems like an incredibly unfair comparison. Hegemony is like the most popular AoE2 mod of all time

Not to mention a totally diferent context

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To be fair, i don’t give a damn about you taking me seriously, so you might not.

Inuits were here during the AOE2 timeframe and made contacts with the vikings - maybe you could learn something new by reading about them.

Burgundians were added because the devs wanted to add them. Same with other civilizations. They added African civs (Ethiopians, Malians
Berbers) to represent Africa, not because of the playerbase. The same could be said about India/Kmer - they found India somewhat interesting, but not as much as to create several Indian civs
 They also found Americas interesting and thus added not only “the conquerors expansion”, but released the AoE3 based mainly in the new world!

My point has been, this ENTIRE TIME, that constantly creating the same threads over and over and over again, by the same people, will not sway the devs. And if you question those statistics about downloads, then you are just lying to yourself. Would i be angry if Indian based DLC was created? Not at all. But i take it realistically and say that only very few people, especially Indians, actually care about them being split.

If you want the Indian based DLC, then contact Microsoft, ask them to employ you (even for a minimum wage), and persuade them into letting you make it (provided that you are skilled enough to do that). Otherwise, it’s most likely not going to come.

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They made only one civ because they at the time were an small modding team and had no idea how it would go. Thats one of the reasons theres only one Slavic civ

THe original devs originally considered doing from two to five Indian civs

No u (more seriously: read about India, please. It has a ton of important and diferent kingdoms through the middle ages and this comes from a dude thats extremely far away of India in every way posible)


That’s the point. If the devs are adding civs based on all previous campaigns, it would lead to dozens of new civs. I’m just pointing out that it’s a flawed logic.

Polish players says hi 111111


It’s actually the siciliens that confuse me

I guess the inclusion of Burgundians was most likely a cash grab as the players returning for nostalgia will be quite happy that they can play as the enemies of the Joan of Arc campaign .

Sicilians are just an excuse for Normans and (maybe) crusader civ who are two of the most wanted civs in terms of playerbase (mostly because they are suported byt the people that just think they are rad despite not knowing much a bout history)

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