It works but if you type it twice it doesn’t work and you have to type it before the AI says “No Wonder Thou Wert Victorious”.
Wait what? I was thinking all the time you guys have the code for this? Shouldnt your company know how it is calculated in the first place (or at least be able to get the information within 10 minutes with the help of a debugger?)
As someone already claimed: Do 1 test with like 10 vills on 1 lumbercamp (not efficient, but even worse due to bumping), or on 1 mill with shorefish… or watch the meme vids about this…
Takes literally 2 minutes to reproduce in any standard MP or SP… and yes still true.
(1. shoot boar with vill
2. let boar come close
3. task vill to chop wood
4. vill will stop and figth with boar
(if 3. is exchanged with “task vill to go near TC (dont click on any ressource)”, the vill behaves like intended))
As well as boar random de-aggro, which already costed me a game (7 idle vills, bc the one coming back had no boar on him), short time later idle TC into ragequit…
@GMEvangelos Boar sometimes stops chasing villager when still in LoS. You didn’t seem to have recorded this bug yet. Watch the example below.
EDIT: This was played before 44725. And 44725 patch notes include:
Fixed an issue where boars could randomly break agro after bumping into an obstruction.
But in this example the boar didn’t bump into obstruction. So I’m not sure if this is fixed.
EDIT2: This is NOT fixed. False advertisement again.
That game was played 2 weeks ago (like t90 says) so we are not sure if its the newest patch or not.
They did mention something about this patch fixing it, but not sure if its completely removed.
I only entered 104 once in my last game. Then, once one of the AIs resigned, I probably spammed 104 twenty times out of frustration
Even if your theory was true, it shouldn’t be acting as a toggle where you click it once it turns it on, click it again turns it off, etc. There’s a completely separate command to re-allow AIs to resign… I think it’s 105; which is even more of a reason why 104 shouldn’t be some weird toggle.
Furthermore, having a chat confirmation as I proposed in that thread (assuming it’s actually functional and not just for show,), would be great confirmation of what the AI intend (or don’t intend to do)
@GMEvangelos I confirm this bug still happens in the current patch. Check my video and replay:
What timestamp mm:ss are we supposed to watch of the ~45min video you posted? It would be helpful info to provide
It’s already shared to be played from the specific timestamp.
@GMEvangelos , here is another bug, greatly explained and documented again by great Age Of Noob on his YT video. Here is the video and explanation:
actually we have came across to his “AI bugged” issue since way before that. my earliest video recorded was Jan 18th but this issue has been going on for at least 2 months now since november patch, AI behaving weirdly and hoping @GMEvangelos can help take it away.
I reported a similar bug here. I only saw this in campaigns though, maybe because I play fewer standard games.
actually, if you task a vill to any other task other than walk back to TC, vill will stop and fight. this is design as intended it is not a bug, nothign to fix.
if it is intended, then why did the developer ask if this is still the case, and that improvements have been made?
Also, I just made an updated report on this topic, hopefully they will be able to tell us if they are willing to change this behavior, or keep it as it is (since it was like this since 1999).
- Villagers chased by boars will stop and fight back if they are right clicked to a different resource
It makes no sense that a villager should auto fight back vs a Wild Boar, a unit that he has zero chance of killing, as well a unit that will never ever attack a villager outside of boar luring, so I don’t know why even have the defense mechanism (except for some very niche Campaign Scenario where a villager would get attacked by Iron Boar hero unit, or something similar?)
If you invite a player to clan while you are in matchmaking queque. “Invite Sent” message box stucks and can’t join to game.
Bro, this is intended, whenever a villager gets attacked by a wild animal (wolf, boar, iron boar, whatever) it will defend itself, so, if you send a vill to do any task after hitting a boar it will reset the stance and make the villager defend itself, changing that would mean that probably you wouldn’t be able to defent vs wolves and stuff, this has been like this since AoE2 came out.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking to, XavierTenka. Personally, I’d want the villager to attack the boar if being attacked; a defense mechanism, of sorts. Wouldn’t it be weird to see your villager happily chopping away at wood while a boar is biting their legs and killing them?
Plus, what if Loom research happens to finish being researched between steps 3 and 4? Your villager is now more powerful and might have a chance at defeating the boar now, whereas he didn’t before – assuming the boar was already injured somehow before.
I know most everyone here knows Loom, but posting screenshot in case some casual onlookers don’t:
because they are asking a different question for another bug. what they are asking was if the boar stop chasing vills.
he clearly wrote the response under that quote. Unless he was confused about it.
most likely was confused about it. especially going through all these bug post by himself, mistake can easily happen.
I agree that this migth be intended bahaviour. But as @Harooooo1 already pointed out: Devs are asking if this is the bahaviour, and think this need to be fixed. IN THIS EXACT THREAD.
I have replied to that specific question and told him this is still the case. How should I know if it is intended or not if a dev asks me if this really is the case?
And thanks, but we are far from being “Bros”…
look at the quote in this post for evangelos… he is refering to “Vills chased by boars will stop and figth if tasked to a different ress”. I dont think that this means that they are interested in what the boar does, but rather in what the vill does? I mean my english is not great, but I am pretty sure to be not wrong on that translation…