This post is a community effort to keep track of ongoing issues that remain unaddressed, as well as important new-found issues that affect the gameplay experience negatively
Feel free to link a bug report of a new issue as a response to this post.
High Priority:
- Various crashes
Medium Priority:
UI elements not showing after garrison (need check if still occurs)
Villagers get stuck near resource tiles and don’t count as idle
[PUP] Archers' attack move in the febuary PUP still doesnt work as well as before update 99311 (unit regroup not great)
new button “All Back to Work” in Fortified Churches is hidden behind Armenian Warrior Priest and the Hotkey does nothing. In Castles it is hidden behind Spies/Treason but the hotkey there at least works
Eastern European Stable looks like a 4x3 instead of a 3x3 building (certain Blacksmiths as well)
Occasionally can’t place buildings 1 tile behind a Wall that’s being attacked by a melee unit, and melee units can occasionally attack through a diagonal Wall tile
Building hitboxes appear to be larger than before, sometimes making unit targeting around buildings difficult
Select All Town Centers Hotkey Doesn't Select All Town Centers
Low Priority:
In editor, if you set any trigger effects with ‘divide by 0’, the game crashes.
Also in editor, the two new trigger effects, “Delete Key” and “Set Key Value” crash the game.
Lobby browser resets filters when switching to Spectate Games browser
The game forgets the setting of spectated games Score Panel (and technology panel) whenever you play a game
Banned maps do not appear for teammates once queue has started
Technology hotkeys at the 2nd Dock page don’t work if pressing them from 1st page (Tech hotkeys at the dock are bugged? and Some hotkeys at dock didn't work)
Placing walls in scenario editor still works in the old legacy way (L-shaped walls are placed, even though the “placing display” hints that the walls should be placed via the new method which prevents L-shaped walls from appearing)
Georgian HP regen doesn’t work for Mercenaries tech trained Elite Kipchak (nor for a converted Ratha with a switched mode, but that one is very niche)
Unique Techs and Civilization Bonuses are inconsistently affecting Heroes and Custom Scenario Units
Campaign language errors (concerning every language except English) - #5 by xWHIT3W0LFx
renaming recs doesn’t update the Save folder view properly and u have to restart the game for the rec names to update
Boars cannot be de-aggroed using foundations within your treaty box