We could use this threat to expose all the skins that we could to want. I going to expose here all the skins that I personally request by my reasons. I hope that you put your skins requested too.
Maltese croshbows
This units seems like s.XI.
I think that the new Portuguese skin would be better to this unit:
I’ll be adding to this list the most relevant changes I see
My bugbear with Maltese units is whilst I get that they’re meant to be the more archaic-looking Euros, chain was replaced with plate armour during this period. The current crossbows (and we’re not even looking at the other old-looking units yet…) look circa 12th century at a push.
The above photo, whilst shamelessly borrowed from a stock image site, was taken at the Valletta Palace Armory and is a legi t16th century Maltese crossbowman. He looks a 16th century renaissance chap and not 12th century medieval bloke.
The other Maltese offender is the Hospitaller. He should be plate-armoured with fancy pants, rather than chain-mailed like some 12th century crusader. The tech that gives him a top hat is actually more historically correct than the chain mail
I refer to my image I created in a previous topic:
I forgot I mentioned that in said previous topic too
Basically the Dev’s ‘serving suggestion’ image on the left that was used as art to promote the game is pretty accurate and looks different to the Sentinel tier 3. Give him a red sash instead of a cape and some bright baggy renaissance pants like the below image, and we’re there.
Well, like SirBarnzy1 says, these units could have a simple Order tabard on. To me, te only one to need a complete skin change is the hussar, the rest are somehow fine.
Would be nice if the textures used were similar to the Mediterranean building artwork - white walls / sandstone bricks rather than the out of place wood.
Commanderies are somewhat abstracted here which is fine - they were knightly headquarters and could be anything really, however they were often old castles/forts, fortified churches, palatial residences or manors etc - however the wooden appearance retained from the Campaign assets just feels a little Old West still. A simple changed in wall would make it for more authentic in appearance (the red tile roof is fine!).
Another obvious Campaign Asset sore-thumb is the Depot. Name change to Powder Magazine and again a texture change to Med walls is all it needs. Maltese really did have these Magazine doted around fortified areas.
Example Maltese magazine
Two relatively simple changes that help with the immersion of ‘Fortress Malta’, based on reality and importantly just a skin change (and rename). The current models are just clearly ripped from the campaign and still feel 1800s American so would benefit from looking a little more Med.
I would love to see a skin for artillery. At this point the artillery of the Europeans is pretty much the same, apart from the Ottomans, so I would like the artillery to reflect the nation more, for example they added the skin of the British redcoats, I would like in this case that the British cannon crews be redcoats too with new skins.
There I explain for british, but I would like to see this for french, russian, swedes, portuguese, …
Artillery is hard to modding, the body’s textures is weird.
I have not fully inspired to do the rest of civs’ artillery crew, I have not found good (and factible) images on the web. Although Stable Difussion can make inspiring material, I prefer keep them on historical tendencies.
In another topic,
No one can convince me that this image is showing the Armored Pistoleer, not the Hospitaller. However,
Very nice work! It is true that many artillery crews are out of place for some civs.
As for the hospitalier knight, it’s a shame that we currently have a 12th century skin instead of a proper one that would fit the time frame of the game. I have no doubt that the knight on the artwork was supposed to represent the hospitalier. The poster was clearly showcasing Malta vs Italy
Maybe something open-faced like in the real examples above.
What would further distinguish the Hospitaller from a Pistoleer (which annoyingly use the most common plate armour of the 16th century) would be the Tabard - the Knights loved them!
The above image illustrates them still loving the Tabard well in the further ages. That example makes a good justification for Order units wearing them.