"Unintentional, non-diagonal walls" are a pain! Is it possible to change the wall foundation logic?

Who doesn’t know it.
You wanna make a long diagonal wall and when you are not precise, you end up having a L-shaped wall foundation rather than a diagonal one. Deleting those wall foundations when lot of things are happening at the same time or when you don’t want to delete other walls closeby with the “Delete all” key is really a pain.

Would it be possible to have an ingame option, so that when enabled, wall foundations will only be set in straight lines and not allowing an L shape with one strike?
I know that this would probably require work to adapt the logic behind it.
Yet, I am really curious to hear from the developers themselves to see if this change can happen technically.


Haha i hate it so much… I think i probably do it literally every 2nd game if not more often

Looking for this suggestion? :wink:


I would like to see a CTRL - Z for walls actually.


Is there a way to double-click and select just the ones that haven’t started building, so I can shift-delete?


Yea come to think of it I have never made an L shaped wall.

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This is a good point, disable the logic all together and only allow straight lines. No one makes L shapes.

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I wonder why something like this isn’t being implement. It’s such a simple easy win that will make the game more pleasant to play at all skill levels.


I for one think that the “Salamander Thing” would be an excellent solution to this problem. :slight_smile:


This is an excellent suggestion and I can’t imagine anyone being against it. It would be good to have some developer input on a topic like this but I doubt they are even reading their own forum at this point.


Along with it, can we have a gate position shift via the direction keys?

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Some developer input here :wink:

You can set this up in your hotkeys, can’t you?

That’s good to see. Brilliant work on coming up with the algorithm, by the way :+1:

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