Community-made list of issues

Have you check your settings?? I dont have that issue, I have to zoom in to select only vills dancing.

It started after 2 previous updates. It has nothing to do with settings. I reset them all. An interesting problem.

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I would like to report a visual error. And it is that the trees that emulate moving by the wind do so at the same rate and at the same time. It’s a bit uncomfortable to see why it doesn’t make sense.

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Is this list still up to date?

Aztec deck
FENCING TRAINING: +40% Skull Knight build.

In game isnt displayed in UI, nor feels as it’s increase or decreased, wiki states it affects Warrior Priest build time but it isnt displayed in the UI either if it does.

AGRARIAN WAYS: Makes improvements free but doesn’t allow to upgrade them before age V, Inca card is working fine.

Ah, that explains a lot and makes a lot of sense xD. When I saw the +40% thought was maybe a simbol mistake since it didnt do anything in-game. But yeah -40 +40 = 0 lul.

Again I misread here sorry and thanks for the clarifications.

I understood (wrongly) that it (Agrarian ways) allows us to research Age V earlier in Age 4, dont know why. And dont know exactly how with Incas have been able to research such free upgrades earlier in Age 4, so I mixed up both things. Yes as you say it works as intended. Will play a few matches to see exactly how I was getting researches from Age V in to IV.

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i suggest to start showing on IU training times, in order to avoid little nightmares of confusions like this one. Thanks for allowing me to reply

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ta ridicula essa nova atualização, todo jogo nr 40 quando começa a guerra fecha o game, antes nunca tive esse problema,agora é toda partida!

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não sei vocês mas ta desanimando jogar age of empires III por causa da quantidade de ahcker que existe.
Quase toda partida eu pego jogadores que conseguem fazer 280 de exercito, eles não tem carta de exercito e nem indio e mesmo assim fazem 280 de exercito. Fica impossível jogar assim, pois não tem como alguem com 200 de população lutar contra 280. Precisamos de uma ação contra hacker urgente. Eles estão matando o age 3

sim,age of empires 3 DE.

Tenho o jogo gravado e os prints

como pode ver ele fez 280 de população o jogo inteiro.
E o baralho dele tinha apenas uma carta de canhão infinito
também tinhamos nação igual a dele e meu parceiro não conseguia fazer tudo aquilo de população

ao final do jogo podemos ver que ele tinha apenas 1 feitoria das 4 possiveis. o que contando os indios ele teria no maximo 220 de população. Porém conforme prints ele tinha uma população de 280. Meu parceiro com a mesma nação chegava a no maximo 220 e no começo do jogo também tinha uma feitoria, então só existe uma explicação proo oponente ter 60 de população a mais, estava usando hacker

Se precisarem de mais alguns print me avisem por favor

Sim está correto.
Bom me desculpe pelo transtorno.
Apesar de achar bem estranho somente um jogador conseguir esse tipo de contagem de unidades.

Muito obrigado pela excelente explicação e paciencia.


Please add this post to the list of issues:

Please add this to the list of bugs:

Basically shadows do not render right side of the screen using ########## Zoom. Tested with multiple resolutions, both Steam and Windows Store, different GPUs and reproduciable 100% of the time.

I think this may have been introduced with a recent patch but I’m not sure which, since I didn’t notice this when ludicrous zoom was first introduced.

Hyper Priority:
Editing the metropolis in the scenario editor is completely impossible beyond the cosmetics, like the explorer name and the name of the metropolis, because they did something botched, which is that the metropolis level is still active in the game in the scenario editor, but since DE doesn’t have levels you can’t change the metropolis level like you could do in the Complete Edition.

This makes it impossible to change any deck, there are 2 possible solutions, the first and the most reasonable is to eliminate the metropolis level, as it should be.
The second would be to enable changing the metropolis level in the metropolis editor as it was in the complete edition.

The third one is not a solution per se, but it can be used to fix the error, it turns out that if you load an old scenario that does not have any of the new civilizations, all the cards of these new civilizations appear, according to another of the several conversations about this metropolis error (since 2020 it is being reported), the problem is in the prefinished decks, but I can’t confirm anything other than if you load the old scenario, all the cards appear in the new civilizations that the scenario doesn’t recognize (it’s not going to happen). letters, since if you go to Spain, for example, the new cards do not appear yet).

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hi i still have issue with game performance even with 16 gb ram rtx 3070 and amd 3600 after 10 min play in multiplayer my fps drop to 30~20 or in end game after 1hour playing the game crash or fps drop to 2
the game is unplayable in + 2v2 player

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Friend, beyond the fact that it is poorly optimized, that is clearly a problem with your internet and in the regions that you play, next time check your ping.
If not, when you’re in the game look where the players’ points appear, a little turtle appears on the line of each player who has bad ping, yellow for moderate and red for terrible.

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Fps drops have nothing to do with the Ping.
Besides that the game is no longer peer to peer, it’s server sided, so if someone else has a bad ping, your game sti works flawless.


so whats my problem exactly ?

Mighty Tambo tooltip still says it increases range when it doesn’t actually.

Hungarian Revolution card “Hungarian Grenadiers” removes Guard Humbaraci (“Ulufelis”) as a researchable tech if playing as Ottoman.

Barbary Revolution Privateers can train almost all Ottoman units except for the “new” ones (Humbaraci, Azaps, Delis).

Wokou Junks can train Hussar if you’re British on the map “Central Asia”.

Native Scouts that die will continue to occupy population as a permanent downside if they’re acquired before sending the “Advanced Scouts” card as Lakota, Haudenosaunee, or Aztec. You can acquire them through the “4 Native Scouts” or various treasures on the maps.

Incan Fishing Boats benefit from the damage portion of Spirit Medicine as well as the HP boost but not the range buff.

Hausa Fishing Boats do not benefit from range buff from Royal Hunters but do gain LOS boost.

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