The Songhai
Camel and Archer Civilisation
The Songhai lived and prospered on the banks of the Niger river. For very long time in the Middle Ages this region was marked by constant political power changes. Phases of uncertainty, independency and subordination altered quickly. The great Songhai Empire was born in a succession crisis of the Mali Empire. The military leaders of Sulayman Dama and Sonni Ali conquered the prospering other Regions on the Niger banks. They used a conjecture of sheer military power, empowered by the mass raising in their subject states, raids from the riverside as well fear and brutality towards all who resisted.
Like the Mali Empire, the Songhai were dependent on the constant gold income from the Niger. This income made the region extremely attractive for traders. One of the most valuable and demanded products in the region were horses from European breeds. These often were sold at more than five times the Value as they were in Europe. These horses were often used in the warfare campaigns of the respective military leaders.
When the Niger river gold income decreased, one of the most infamous phases of human history began and the gold trade was replaced by slave trade. Among the trade routes reavers set their camps and regularly enslaved passing people, selling them to the slave traders.
Civilisation Bonusses
Gao was the center of the trans Saharan trade routes. Songhai start with a Camel scout and also can train Camel scouts from Feudal Age.
Camels were the most common form of mounts in the Songhai Empire. It was basically completely dependent on the big camel caravans. Camels deal (+1 F / +2 C / +3 Imp) damage.
The Songhai traditionally used a lot of Javelins in their armies. Skirmishers get +1 attack.
As the Songhai were completely dependent on the Saharan trade, they have access to their Unique Building, the Oasis. The Oasis has a lot of different utilities but needs to be constantly repaired as it otherwise will be devoured by the desert sand.
Unique Technologies
Castle Age: Terror Tactics
90 s, 350 F, 400 G
In their expansion period Songhai leaders knew no mercy. They raised army from their subjects and proceeded with terror and brutality against their opponents. They were also known for the usage of ship raids along the Niger river. Archer line and Galley line deal +2 Pierce Damage.
Imperial Age: Tuareg
90 s, 400 F, 500 G
With the decline of the Niger gold income, Songhai were forced to look for additional income. This is when the slave trade emerged and desert reavers appeared. Some of them were secretly supported by the authorities, others a plague for them. Therefor a game of cat-and-mouse arised which lead to only the fastest being fit enough.
Camels and Royal Guards move 15 % faster and yield 10 Gold for each killed enemy unit.
Unique Units
Name | Lightbowman | Elite Lightbowman |
Armor Class | Archer | Archer |
Produced at | Archery Range | Archery Range |
Production Time | 20 s | 20 s |
Production Cost | 30 F, 20 W | 30 F, 20 W |
HP | 20 | 25 |
Speed | 1.2 | 1.2 |
ROF | 2 | 2 |
Attack | 3 Pierce | 4 Pierce |
Atk Bonus | 5 vs Infantry | 7 vs Infantry |
Atk Bonus | 5 vs Condottiero | 7 vs Condottiero |
Range | 4 | 4 |
Accuracy | 70% | 8% |
Melee Armor | 0 | 0 |
Pierce Armor | 0 | 0 |
Benefits from | Archer Upgrades | Archer Upgrades |
Upgrade Cost | 180 s | 500 G, 200 F |
Name | Royal Guard | Elite Royal Guard |
Armor Class | Cavalry | Cavalry |
Armor Class | Unique Unit | Unique Unit |
Produced at | Castle | Castle |
Production Time | 16 s | 12 s |
Production Cost | 45 F, 80 G | 45 F, 80 G |
HP | 160 | 220 |
Speed | 1.3 | 1.3 |
ROF | 1.8 | 1.8 |
Attack | 9 Melee | 11 Melee |
Atk Bonus | 16 vs Camel | 24 vs Camel |
Range | - | - |
Accuracy | - | - |
Melee Armor | 0 | 0 |
Pierce Armor | 1 | 1 |
Benefits from | Cavalry Upgrades | Cavalry Upgrades |
Upgrade Cost | 105 s | 900 G, 700 F |
Royal Guards are heavy experienced elite cavalry that have specialised in dealing with Camel forces. Royal Guards are very versatile but this versatility comes at the expense of a very high Gold cost.
Tech Tree
Infantry: Spear line only up to Pikeman. Militia line up to Long Swordsman, missing last armor tech.
Archers: All Archer units (Skirm/Archer/CA) and all upgrades except Chemistry.
Cavalry: FU Camels, Light Cav (no hussar) and Cavalier.
Siege: Heavy Scorpion, Capped Ram, Siege Tower and Onager, no Siege Engineers
Monks: Herbal Medicine, Atonement, Heresy, Sanctity, Illumination and Theocracy
Defences: No Architecture, no Keep and Bombard Tower. Otherwise all Defensive Techs
Economy/Trade: All economy techs available except the stone Mining upgrades
Water: Missing Chemistry. Galleys up to Galleon, No Fast Fire and no Heavy Demolition Ship. No Shipwright.
Team Bonus etc
Team Bonus:
Livestock moves 30 % faster.