Native american civilizations

idk sounds awesome

i also remember back when microsoft studios was developing “B.C.” with lionshead but it got scrapped for fable. something like that would integrate well into the aoe2 gameplay but admittedly would be funky for the campaigns

I’m not sure what this thread is supposed to be about, to be honest.

What does? Native American civilisations? We already have three of them.

What about it do you think would integrate well? The concept sounds sort of similar to AoE1, to be honest, but more anachronistic (humans, non-avian dinosaurs, meganeura and Devonian fish existed millions of years apart), and less of a strategy game.


howdy, thanks for your reply. happy to dive in a bit more

firstly in north america, native american generally refers to the american indian people of which there were several tribes. as a collective they had interesting technology, weapons and warriors. for instance the tomahawk warrior. see “last of the mohicans” for general context. american indians are def exclusive of mayans, incas, aztecs and had interactions with the europeans so it wouldn’t violate western history to integrate into the game.

also, it would probably perform well in the market as dlc.

just some ideas to chew on, cheers!

Fair enough. To me, “native American” definitely includes Aztecs, Maya and Incas… but then I’m not North American.

There’ve been several proposals put forward for North American civilisations. You might want to have a look at them. The civilisation concepts hub (see below) has some links.