This phrase is censored “i go fc kn” a vital information given on the first 5 min of the game (some may say the most important ones).
So as im a good boy i try to go past the censorship of demon words and give vital information (i G o Fast K a stl Knait)wasting precious seconds of apm.
How is censorship improving gameplay? I know i know… thread number 4873 about **** but its necessary, without constant protest a just cause would pass as a a lunatic rant.
Please stop the **** . im a 32 old guy that had aoe2 gifted from a passed relativ when it was released (1999?), not a kid… i DEMAND, to be able to choose if i want to see curse words on chat
Complains about bad words, 3 youtubers and 7 streamers.
Complains about the word filtering censuring everything, over 10 000.
We are not getting that thing removed or optional, but we are getting moar civs, can’t complain man SP don’t use chat at all.
Not quite that many, but a few…
I literrally cannot text anything in game. My sentences are always get censored for no reason.
As you all know, aoe2 de has a major issue with censorship which affects gameplay in a negative aspect. Players can be muted for no reason whats so ever, as well as banned without a reason for their ban. The staff also do not give out sufficient proof for this. So you can be banned from the game for doing nothing wrong, this is certainly a dangerous road to go down. Since I started playing I noticed that a lot of my friends were getting muted or banned in-game because of the censorship system in…
I’ve heard, you improved the profanity filter to be less intrusive, but now in the new patch my name is actually filtered: “Rudolfking”.
I don’t know in which language is this a curse, but can you whitelist it please? And how did this happen if the filter was made less intrusive?
Also it took me long minutes to realize why I cannot host a lobby: my name was in it… Okay you cannot do ****** ** ****** ** named lobbies, but you can add an error, that explains the reason instead of a greyed o…
AOE2: DE - 39515
Windows 10
This thing is excessive to the extreme. In full disclosure, I don’t even think this thing is necessary let alone desirable, but it’s so unpredictable that I can’t even use chat effectively at this point. I can’t remember off hand every non-profanity word this thing censors but I know my most recent bout of frustration was that it censored the word “Blue”.
I don’t even know where to begin with that. Why? Is it because of sacrebleu? I can’t effec…
The amount of time I waste typing up something to an ally just to have it censored for adding f@$% to describe something.
And the stuff that is censored sometimes makes no sense. I was trying to write in Spanish. I kept writing yo se and it was getting censored. That’s not even a curse!!
Can there be a setting for parents or people who get bothered by this can switch it on?? So the the rest of us can enjoy speaking fluidly. Please!!!
BUILD #: 4#####
OS: Windows 10
DESCRIBE THE ISSUE IN DETAIL (below). Limit to ONE issue per thread.
Who had the idea to put * for all words anyway?
Look at this>
Are you sane? Why is this still in the game?
Game Version: Update 2020/05/28
The useless profanaty filter works even worst than before the patch.
Pls remove that useless “feature” that nobody ask
Reproduction Steps:
My name is “Kallpa”
My friends name is “Starfire”
So the profanity filter is a ****ing joke, and we all know that. It censors the numbers 1 and 11 now. Need I say any more.
What’s interesting though is that it filters differently (stricter) when logged into an xbox live account ingame.
That got me thinking that perhaps the filter can be adjusted or disabled somewhere in your xbox / microsoft account settings. There is whole bunch of news on this topic from last October, relating to consoles. Specifically this:…
To type everything correctly, the solution i found is to simply put a symbol in between the words so the filter doesn’t censor anything.
so instead of typing:
hello how are you
you type
The topic above is certainly a criticism of the current game filter, I’m aware of that.
But this got me thinking, what if we use the forum chat filter on the game?
It still is taking away freedom of speech, sure. But if the devs are for any reason forced to have a chat filter in the DE, at least implement a working one. So the words like Onager aren’t censored for no reason.
Build: August 25
Platform: Steam
Operating System: Windows 10
There is still no in-game option to adjust or disable the chat filter, even though the filter has been around for 6 months now.
Try to type something harmless in chat, like “canals” (an official map name).
Become annoyed that the chat filter is still present without any proper way to disable it, and that it still stars the whole message…
DEVS fix your filter before implementing a filter. When playing nomad people want to identify the location of their docks for better coordination. But everytime we ping and say X dock is here it gets filtered out. Annoying af.
It is just really weird how Microsoft developed this sophisticated AI to filter out slurs, filthy words and obscene numbers, implemented it in among other plattforms into AoE2 Definitive Edition very nicely never causing any issue and then forgets to apply it to a gaming forum of all things, that’s all.
This phrase is censored “i go fc kn” a vital information given on the first 5 min of the game (some may say the most important ones).
So as im a good boy i try to go past the censorship of demon words and give vital information (i G o Fast K a stl Knait)wasting precious seconds of apm.
How is censorship improving gameplay? I know i know… thread number 4873 about **** but its necessary, without constant protest a just cause would pass as a a lunatic rant.
Please stop the **** . im a 32 old guy…
Recently when playing I was using the chat and some of my comments started turning into asterisks (***). As I tried to figure it out, it seemed that whenever I used the letter “i”, “l”, or the number 1 in a chat, the whole phrase would turn to ***. My brother who was playing with my could read my messages, but I couldn’t read his or my own.
I run AoE 2 DE through Steam. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, but the problem persists.
I have attached a picture of an example. [2020-03-22]
Any …
Another attack on the SP community for whatever reason
Man, you really hate SP, don’t you?
1 Like
Attacking who? you don’t get it, what really matters is being ignored by almost a year now, but clearly you don’t care as you feel offended for no reason, otherwise you would be supporting threads against the censorship, but its easier to give likes and flag comments you don’t like.