-Standard Poll -Regarding Nomad being an entirely separate game mode that should not be inside the standard starts random script map queue. Among other suggestions - Standard Poll -

Out of curiosity, why are you banned on AoE2 reddit?

Uh not really? And even if it did the post literally starts with a link to your main post so people could jsut get it there. Actually the only opinion showed in this post is yours. There is no link to a huge thesis arguing that nomad should stay as is.

Probably out of topic conversations and stubborn opinions based on bias xD

And i mean its the first post that explains ops idea after that they could read more into or not and vote

I’m just going ro stop responding to this thread. It’s time to let it die.


someone on a diplomacy custom maps server repeatedly asked me to advertise their server and the type of maps you could find there.
he even gave me what to post which included a link to their discord and a short explanation what it was about.

I posted it once, and it was taken as if I were spamming it. Or ‘brigading’ is what they accused me of. My account was banned with no warning and permanently.

This was the post that got me banned.

It is, however, only an option of how to play it.
Just like how there are options of how to play standard with standard/conquest, etc.


The question is only part of the question.
Currently on the reddit post it only states that the option I ‘want’ is for nomad to gain its own queue. However I also state that it could also go into a ranked lobby system like death match. If you pay attention there’s at least one response in that thread saying that ‘death match doesn’t get its own queue so no’ which points to how the reddit post is phrased is angering the death match community needlessly because it only stops at half the question.
And there’s such a thing as a tldr explanation which the post seems to attempt to be. It sucks at that job.

My advice to those who disagree. Let’s just leave fhe thread. Then it will die and we can be done with it.


They thought you were one of his account. If i remember correctly he was called Icarus and spammed that thing everywhere

Sounds about right, was probably the same guy

who would have thought… Nomad clearly winning again in the map poll

For the first 800 votes by the more active 800 forum members that’s never surprising, however leading up to 1400 I’ve yet to see a 1 vs 1 poll where it actually manages to stay even close to the top 3, being beaten by even socotra.

I think we should start calling each other racial slurs. Then this topic will be closed. :stuck_out_tongue:

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you keep claiming that, but i havent seen any evidence of it. I couldnt find a single poll with that many voters (i assume you mean voters, not votes), usual voter numbers are 600-800, here are some with relatively high voter numbers. And hey, would you look at that, Nomad maps still winning:

so you are claiming that Nomad is unpopular ‘once enough votes come in’, but that many votes seem to never happen

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you have to go back to 2020 to see vote numbers as high as he is talking about…so his data is basically a year and a half old.

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Sorry mate but i dont stoop down to this


As well as mid '2021

stop making stuff up. i searched the forum for the 1v1 ranked pool votes. this is the one with the highest number of voters (almost 900) in the second half of 2021: 🗳 VOTE NOW! 1v1 Ranked Map Rotation - August 24

as you can see Nomad still won.

(there is a chance i missed a vote somewhere, but considering most others had <700 voters, it’s unlikely there is one with 1400 voters)

where do you get your ‘data’ from?

Can we add a separate game mode for Mangrove Jungle too while we’re at it? 111 jk, don’t do it.

Imo i think Nomad should be permanently part of the ranked mode, like arabia and arena and BF. Why create even more separate modes to break the playerbase even more?

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For my argument

September '20

Sept '20

Oct '20

May '21

Feb '21

Aug '20

Jul '20

Against my argument

Jan '21

Mixed/very close results (difference of or within 1%)

Nov '20

There are also quite a few cases of nomad losing heavily with only 600ish votes, so I’m thinking that those for and against switch out in how active they are in the voting pools more often than I expected and judging by the votes they both have large numbers, either that or this was when african clearing was a new map for nomad and interest was high.(referring to the one against the argument)
I did not post those here as I was looking for those above the 1k threshold.

This one interests me:

2714 voters - no nomad in the pool - however mega random(contains nomad within itself from time to time) is in the pool and tends to have similar popularity - yet mega random is nowhere near the top 3.