List of all Delhi bugs 30+

Landmark related

  1. [Tracked] tower of victory does not apply 15% faster attack speed to all infantry, it reduces attack speed by 0.15 but for some it’s 0.2 or 0.25 and does not affect MAA at all
    "Tower of Victory" doesn't buff Men At Arms
  2. [Tracked] compound of the defender not chosen still infantry can build stone walls by tricking them into building a pallisade wall first
    Stone walls build on age II with soldiers (Delhi Sultanate)
    Delhi-Infantry can build StoneWalls without having the Landmark
  3. [Tracked] compound of the defender incorrectly tagged as a defensive building
    Defensive bldng
  4. [Tracked] hisar academy food generation gets reset if honed blades was researched in age3 and keeps getting reset as you produce MAA
    Delhi Hisar Academy bugged
    Figured out why the Hisar Academy food generation bugs out
  5. Hisar acadamy starts giving food even before it’s fully built
  6. [Tracked] palace of sultan creates elephants in 3:20 with no scholars, 1:40 full of scholars and 1:00 if you toggle the creation on and off (with no scholars)
    The Delhi sultanate's Palace of the Sultan is bugged
    Bugs found while bughunting
  7. [Tracked] palace of sultan shows both type of elephants can be generated from it where is it only makes tower elephant
    Bugs found while bughunting
  8. [Tracked] Transferring scholars from mosque to palace of sultan adjacent to it delets relics
    Relics vanishing into the void

Military unit attack related

  1. [Tracked] spearman brace not working
    Spear bracing bug
  2. [Tracked] war elephant cannot attack cavalry sometimes and stop when given attack command
    Elephants cannot attack cavalry

Military unit upgrade research related

  1. [Tracked] armored beast upgrade does not apply correctly to Tower Elephants
    [Delhi] Armored Beast upgrade it's not applied to Tower Elephants
  2. [Tracked] incendiary arrows upgrade does not apply to Tower Elephant ranged damage
    [Delhi] Incendiary Arrows upgrade it's not applied to Tower Elephant ranged damage
  3. hotkey F for imperial tech for more hp on siege units in siege workshop ejects the scholar instead of triggering research. as F hotkey is also assigned to ungarrison scholar
    Delhi Siege Workshop overlap siege work technology
  4. [Tracked] ranged upgrades from a blacksmith dont apply corretly on tower elephants.
    Tower Elephant does not benefit from Blacksmith upgrade

UI/tooltip related

  1. [Tracked] when relics are kept in mosuqe it shows double gold generation instead of normal amount Delhi Relic Gold
  2. [Tracked] Wrong calculation of technology score
    Delhi Sultanate - Wrong calculation of technology score
  3. [Verified] Select all military units includes fishing ships as well, resulting in idling of fishing ships
    Deli select all military units including fish boat
    Delhi fishing boats

Scholar related

  1. Scholars attack move does not heal units in combat
    Monks should stop to auto-heal when using attack-move
  2. Scholars don’t reduce research time as mentioned in the description
    Delhi Scholars Cumulative?
  3. [Tracked] Scholars auto heal turned off if they are retasked or ungarrisoned
    Delhi Scholars auto heal turned off after dropping a relic
  4. [Tracked] You can garrison scholars in a madrasa and delete said madrasa. Scholars that were formerly in the building are killed but they still count to tech speed. Does not work with mosque
    Bugs found while bughunting
  5. [Tracked] zeal does not buff attack speed even after units have been healed by scholars
    Delhi Sultanate - Zeal scholar ability doesnt work
    Zeal does not affect all units and the percentages are off
    Delhi technology Zeal does not work as intended - #2 by SavageEmpire566
  6. [Tracked] scholars auto-heal gets turned off after they drop a relic
    Delhi Scholars auto heal turned off after dropping a relic
  7. [Tracked] Scholars continue to heal full HP units despite low HP units around them.
    Delhi Scholar Bug
  8. [Verified] each mosque gets a free scholar if they are built at the exact same time
    Delhi gets free scholars
  9. Sometimes buildings get a mosque influence even when a mosque is in construction process and sometimes this influence remains even when the mosque building is canceled
    List of all Delhi bugs 30+ - #14 by Ceremond

Tech tree discrepancies

  1. [Verified] tech tree tranquil avenue is shown to cost 250 food, 100 coin
    [TECH TREE ERROR ] One of Delhi Sultanate's techs is shown to cost resources in the tech tree
  2. [Verified] tech tree has honed blades in imperial age
    Is Honed Blades for Delhi a castle age tech ? Tech tree says its Imperial but I can research it in Castle age with a HUGE research time!
  3. [Tracked] tech tree still shows Sanctity in dark age.
    Sanctity is still showing as a Dark Age Tech in Tech Tree
    Is Honed Blades for Delhi a castle age tech ? Tech tree says its Imperial but I can research it in Castle age with a HUGE research time!

Research time related

  1. [Tracked] keep research times increases when built in mosques influence
    Wrong Delhi research times
    Delhi Sultanate keeps in the influence of mosques are getting INCREASED research time (45 minutes each research!) Keeps outside influence have the base time without upgrades. PLEASE FIX! - #4 by XUAOoXampson
  2. [Verified] sanctity takes x5 times (of previous default research time) even though it’s age 2 tech.
  3. [Verified] honed blades is available at age 3 but takes x15 times.
    Is Honed Blades for Delhi a castle age tech ? Tech tree says its Imperial but I can research it in Castle age with a HUGE research time!
  4. [Verified] herbal medicine and piety take x5/x15 times even though they are age 1 tech (for Delhi).
  5. [Verified] dock tech research cant be cancelled and picked up again because it restarts the tech from the begining
    Delhi dock techs resetting
  6. [Verified] all dock technologies take x5 times longer, regardless of their age.

Pathfinding related

  1. [Verified] fishing ships always try to deliver food back to the dock of origin instead of closest dock
    Terrible fishing boat pathinfinding

37. Lookout towers tech upgrade does not upgrade future towers only past towers


Multiple bug reports are fine in the discussions page, just not the bug report. You’ll be fine here

Thank you so much for your effort. I wish we had a list like this for all civilisations…


Thank you for compiling all of these. This patch has been rather disappointing for myself and I’m sure most Delhi players.

I went into it initially not enjoying the changes but being optimistic that it wouldn’t feel quite as bad as some people have made it out to be(minus the x15 imperial techs, that just feel overboard and hopefully will be tweaked a bit), but some of these bugs(many that aren’t tracked yet), have just made me put down the civ till the hot fix in hopes they can correct many of them.

All are obviously effecting the civs balance, but the honed blades, hisar, and research time bugs specifically are rather debilitating, and I’m really hoping even tho they weren’t spoken about on stream, are corrected in the hot fix.

The tower of victory bug is bad, but personally I feel that landmark needs a rework not just bug fixes. The buff that it gives does not compensate enough to match the reduced scholar price with how dependent Delhi is on the scholars, and doesn’t translate well into longer games. It basically pushes you into a feudal all in, since it doesn’t scale as well into the late game as the reduced scholars, and if you fail the all in you are now very far behind in both gold units(75 extra G to each scholar), and techs since if you are all in you probably weren’t continuously producing scholars. It’s just in a really weird place and if they don’t rework it, from my perspective, it will always be underwhelming or potentially go the other way and be too strong of a feudal pressure, unless other general changes are made to the civ.


This is some backseat balancing on my part and not super thought out for potential abuses but I feel that to make an actual choice for feudal age landmarks they need to make the reduced scholar cost and increased sacred site gold baseline civ bonuses, and move sanctity to the dome of faith. This will give you a choice in how you want to pressure in the feudal age/rest of the game either with sacred sites, or improved military pressure.


HOpefully someone has or will make a bug report PER bug and the given condition they found to replicate the bug.

Big report per big has already been done, I have provided links to those big reports in my post

Keep research time bug is being tracked: Delhi Sultanate keeps in the influence of mosques are getting INCREASED research time (45 minutes each research!) Keeps outside influence have the base time without upgrades. PLEASE FIX! - #4 by XUAOoXampson

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Thank you for pointing it out I have now marked it as [Tracked] and added the link you provided

Unbelievable what a long list…
If I were to create a product like this as a software Engineer I would get some very serious conversations with my bosses.


Looks quite likely Delhi has the most bugs? For such a fun civ, they do seem a bit neglected

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mods if possible can you please pin this, regards.

this list is amazing thank you! i keep forgetting delhi and HRE spears cant brace

i keep wanting to play delhi, even with a fewer slower tech i reckon i could play around it, but not with broken spears… :S

Infantry not being able to repair walls is intended.

“This one is intentional for balance issues—the team wants players to risk more valuable Villagers instead of just using Infantry, which they will likely have many of.”

Ok, im first time here, but since i love Delhi a lot, i wanted to contribute to the list as well.

  1. Sometimes buildings get a mosque influence even when a mosque is in construction process and sometimes this influence remains even when the mosque building is canceled. Very usefull actually , dont fix this :slight_smile:

  2. The imperial tech for more hp on siege units researched in workshop cant be researched when a scholar is garrisoned inside the building, cuz it is on F key, same as ungarrison for scholar

  3. Tower elephant dont get range upgrades from a blacksmith, making em much weaker late game.

Hope the fixes are in the next patch! TY

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What they need to do is just keep their own list. They have that “known issues” page but they hardly put anything on it. Just keeping a complete public list of bugs they’re aware of and working on would do a ton to placate the community. I know they’ve identified a lot of these (because they’ve commented on the bug report threads), but unless you spend an irresponsibly obscene amount of time on the forums you really wouldn’t know if they’re working on them or not.

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and if you’re the tester, I can only imagine it would be a very loud conversation with your bosses lol

They do have an internal list with priorities on them which I can only assume will be lot longer than this one. I made this on the forum for our purposes, so people can just look here before posting duplicate bugs. And we can strike them out once it has been fixed. Helps avoid unnecessary frustration.

thanks for your report, i have added them to the list and cross referenced them to the actual bug which are being tracked by devs.

Weekly reminder for all Delhi players out there. Please add new bugs from the latest patch released today. And also let me know if any of these have been fixed. Thanks and enjoy the game.

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szalamii found a tech tree bug that says delhi fortifications SHOULD be getting 1 FREE weapon emplacements???